Friday, June 15


MEDITATION - no don't yawn, I am not talking of people with shaven heads dressed in saffron or orange, nor am I on planet 'airy fairy'........
Do you day dream? Do you think about an idea or an ideal, imagine and/or visualise? Do you reflect upon situations and/or yourself?
Is your answer yes - haha - then you are meditating!!!!
Mystical terms are Passive meditation - day dreaming to you and me or when the mind is wandering and we aren't really aware of what we have been thing about, 'where we have been'
Active meditation - thinking about something intently, 'picturing', imagining, questioning.
Are you aware of your thoughts ALL day.......I doubt it, I'm not but we can start becoming more aware, we really need to have equal measure of passive and active to have a more balanced life
How many reflect though, this is where the wisdom is gained or to be mystical - enlightenment happens, enlightenment is really is not one big happening, but the lessons, gleaned form life's experiences, nothing more, nothing less;
Reflection = observing - first and foremost ourselves and our own behaviour, recognising that there is always more than one perspective - walk a mile in another's shoes...........reflection helps us gain wisdom and we will have fewer repetitions of specific situations. Science and magic are one and the same if we have eyes to see it - they espouse the same basic principles
What do you spend most of your time thnking about?
Motivation IS the key.............Blessings Be

Wednesday, June 6

Personal Reflections on Spiritual Tension and Expansion

Some have wanted to know what I spoke of at the weekend, so here it is...............

Personal Reflections on Spiritual Tension and Expansion

Intention brought me here today, and Intention that brought me into the Arcane School several years ago. What I learned is that attention to intention will bring about a point of tension. So we have to start with our intention,  what drives us in life.  The answer can only be found by watching our thoughts. A point of tension is reached through an intensity of purpose,  to understand why what and how and the first expansion is most often the true understanding of how we are here to be of service, we are all connected within the unified field of consciousness

I'd like to quote from the Treatise on White Magic (page 177).... “the concrete mind expresses the abstract most inadequately and in the task of embodying the truth in words, much of the experience is lost”

We all experience tension and fundamentally this tension is always spiritual as it comes from an inner urge or push and the answering acknowledgement or reaction from the personality - Tension has to be released, it can be can an explosion, expulsion or expansion.

To be consciously seeking spiritual tension is to be consciously thinking, pondering, day dreaming, questioning that which will bring an easier passage onto or into the next stage of evolution for all life. When the consciousness is preoccupied with daily life the seed thoughts and mantras  continue on the “back burner” just below the level of consciousness.

For me it first registered in my consciousness as a teenager – that all was not right in the world - “There was more to it then met the eye”.
Books I read and people I encountered would “remind me” of this deep seated belief.  In my thirties this unshakable belief came to the forefront of my life –every book that came my way was pushing all the right mental buttons, another soul seeker appeared in my life who became my  partner  - I found that on a daily basis, I was invoking the soul – using music and certain lyrics to make my own mantrams,
 i.e from the Question of Balance album Moody Blues
Just open your eyes
And realize
The way it's always been
Just open your mind
And you will find
The way it's always been
Just open your heart
And that's a start

Steve Hillage – Motivation is the Key
To many to mention but great tools and helped to keep my mind focussed.

Eventually an Alice Bailey book came into my possession.  I  felt a connection. Finally (unlike Bono) I had found what I had been searching for. I had invoked Soul control daily. I had questioned  and quested, revelations came from books, conversations, radio or TV programmes  and through meditation, revealing or proving that what we think one pointedly will reap results! Seed thoughts became the focus of my attention, along with the questions to be answered at each stage, I remember the sense of panic, ( a bit like I am feeling right now), I used to feel when the new set and questions arrived, I would look at it and think I would never understand, but slowly during the month or two “all would be come clear”, sometimes there would be a “light bulb” moment, but mostly the expansion, or understanding, inner/soul knowledge would gradually dawn on the consciousness - filter down into my brain.

 Much of my focus of attention was given to the healing of humanity. The causes and many manifestations of dis-ease.  If the individual is but a cell of the body of humanity, then the healing of individuals is important for making  whole the body of humanity.  At forty two I was diagnosed with terminal cancer. That certainly focused my attention. Attention to intention brings about a point of tension. As Sarah Mc Kechnie said in her paper: Esoteric Training of the Arcane School, “Light can never be damned up, retained for oneself”.
 The cancer certainly gave me opportunity to walk my talk, be of service and experience the reality of what I believed We are all one and to bring balance within the one aids the collective. The healing wasn´t just to be personal and only Love could truly heal. There were going to be no battles or “war against cancer”. I was just going to love it, hug it to death and then forget about it and focus on how to utilise this experience through service. That was fifteen years ago so I am guessing that I did something 'right'

Another of my points of focus was light, exposure of the “dusty corners” for myself and humanity. In order to make informed decisions we need knowledge/     information/Light. For several years I lived out of the UK and this also coincided with a break from the formal training of the Arcane School. Upon return to the UK and access to a TV  I observed a definite increase in Light, writers writing more thoughtfully and less emotionally,  a more caring attitude and a recognition of the needs of others is far more pronounced, history is being presented from many angles and sciences – co-operation between groups – and all this  on free view :)
We are witnessing the subjective becoming objective, this is our inspiration

I woke one morning at the beginning of the year with the thought “I should go to the conference in London this year” and then the personality dismissed the thought as highly unlikely for several reasons and promptly forgot about it.  Expansions are steps along the path. We toddle, we walk and stumble so have to watch our steps (thoughts) and eventually we will stride forth without doubt or stumbling.
Two months ago I received an invite to be here today, instantly I remembered my “insight” from the beginning of the year and I know it was an offer I couldn't refuse. Life is experiment and experience. This is an experiment, a  point of focus brought about by an inner impulse that I need to move on, be of more use while I am still in this body. Each expansion leads onto another point point of focus which in turn leads on to a point of tension and another expansion ad infinitum.
Expansions always reveal something of yourself and something of the collective.
All I know for sure, wholeheartedly, if you really want your consciousness/ understanding to expand IT WILL and the opportunities will appear,
 You don't have to be looking for experiences, they will come to you based upon your thoughts, intentions, tension and the expansion of consciousness will happen - is happening all the time

Thank you.

Putting it much more simply, how and what we think will determine much (not all) of what happens in our life and how we react to any given situation will see us repeating it or moving on and having different situations.

Blessings Be

Wednesday, May 30

Evolving humanity

'Today we are watching the death of a civilisation or cycle of incarnation of humanity. In all fields of human expression, crystallisation and deterioration has set in. Worn out religious dogmas and the grip of theology and the orthodox churches have no longer sufficed to hold the allegiance of the potent, inner, spiritual life; humanity (consciously or unconsciously) IS deeply spiritual and innately religious but need today a new form to clothe the ancient verities. Old political schools have been deemed inadequate and new idealogies bear witness to the strength of the life which is seeking more adequate expression; the educational systems, having served their purpose, are fast becoming recognised as inadequate to meet the need of the demanding life of the race (humanity); there is everywhere a cry for change and for those new forms in religious, political, educational and economic life of the race which will allow of freer and better spiritual expression. Such change is rapidly happening and is regarded by some as death - terrible and to be avoided if possible. It is indeed death, but it is benificient and needed. It is this realisation of the passing of of a civilisation which gives rise to the recurrent and foreboding cry "This is THE death of civilisation......; this is the destruction of the old order and must be saved; the destruction of of old and loved values and it must not be permitted"
That hmanity is bringing about this needed change in unnecessary, cruel and painful ways is indeed true, just as it is true today that humans by their wrong thinking, foolish habits of physical living and undesirable emotional attitudes precipitate a final, physical breakdown and eventually death. Nevertheless, for the progress of the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity, death is inevitable, good and necessary; it is also a practice with which we are all familiar in our own experience and watching it in others. BUT we need to remember that the worst death of all (as far as humanity is concerned) would be if a form of civilisation became static and eternal; if the old order never altered and the old values were never transmuted into better higher ones, that indeed would be disaster..............'(The Tibetan)

Think this through logically would we still want to be living as we did 500 years ago and do we wish for humnity to be as we are today? Our lesson is to learn how to evolve with compassion and kindness, not with war, vengence, power struggles - the need to dominate, politically, religiously, educationally.........

Tuesday, May 29

Understanding and evolving

Perusing your personal history can aid you in understanding the path your evolution has taken and why you make the choices you do. It is difficult to find solutions to the emotional issues we face when we are unsure as to where they come from. Looking into your past, you can see the behavior patterns that have slowly emerged over the course of your life and trace those patterns back to your young adulthood or even your childhood. The roots of your preference for certain individuals or activities will reveal themselves. And you’ll begin to see the complex ways your experiences have guided you on your journey and shaped your life as it exists in the present. When you look into your past, you may find the tools you need to make your present more rewarding.

Learning is a natural confidence booster that simultaneously enriches you as an individual and conclusively demonstrates that you are capable of feats of focused evolution. You’ll come to understand that your intellect is flexible and designed to adapt to the changing conditions of your life’s journey. The search for knowledge you embark upon will help you evolve.