'Today we are watching the death of a civilisation or cycle of incarnation of humanity. In all fields of human expression, crystallisation and deterioration has set in. Worn out religious dogmas and the grip of theology and the orthodox churches have no longer sufficed to hold the allegiance of the potent, inner, spiritual life; humanity (consciously or unconsciously) IS deeply spiritual and innately religious but need today a new form to clothe the ancient verities. Old political schools have been deemed inadequate and new idealogies bear witness to the strength of the life which is seeking more adequate expression; the educational systems, having served their purpose, are fast becoming recognised as inadequate to meet the need of the demanding life of the race (humanity); there is everywhere a cry for change and for those new forms in religious, political, educational and economic life of the race which will allow of freer and better spiritual expression. Such change is rapidly happening and is regarded by some as death - terrible and to be avoided if possible. It is indeed death, but it is benificient and needed. It is this realisation of the passing of of a civilisation which gives rise to the recurrent and foreboding cry "This is THE death of civilisation......; this is the destruction of the old order and must be saved; the destruction of of old and loved values and it must not be permitted"
That hmanity is bringing about this needed change in unnecessary, cruel and painful ways is indeed true, just as it is true today that humans by their wrong thinking, foolish habits of physical living and undesirable emotional attitudes precipitate a final, physical breakdown and eventually death. Nevertheless, for the progress of the soul of the individual and the soul of humanity, death is inevitable, good and necessary; it is also a practice with which we are all familiar in our own experience and watching it in others. BUT we need to remember that the worst death of all (as far as humanity is concerned) would be if a form of civilisation became static and eternal; if the old order never altered and the old values were never transmuted into better higher ones, that indeed would be disaster..............'(The Tibetan)Think this through logically would we still want to be living as we did 500 years ago and do we wish for humnity to be as we are today? Our lesson is to learn how to evolve with compassion and kindness, not with war, vengence, power struggles - the need to dominate, politically, religiously, educationally.........
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