In case you are wondering the rock is still in the pool and the house unlivable in so the ayunmiento have given U & J a nice apartment in the pueblo to live in for now, the rock will need dynamiting out ooo er but, first the fort has to be secured with nets etc, then lots of little explosions to break it apart to remove.........
I have been scraping and washing mould off walls, now borrowed ladder off Roma so can reach ceilings with ease..... slowly slowly I am progressing......as is the ongoing saga with car, insurance and getting legal documentation of scrapped car, anyway Steve is back from the YK so he n I will go the garage on Monday and collect in person!! I think I must have let it all get to me as I came out with a bloody great abscess on my gum, so for a couple of days took pain killers and slept........Oh yeah Charo changed her mind about Africa and I working for her, the lady seems to be caught up in emotional crisis' and not so reliable - ah well - I have been preparing items for my summer outlets :) Gave up with Squidge and her coat she isn't gonna be a coat dog but will still make a few more for sale - I have just completed a red n white small person jacket and another bag, all but finished with Reme's wrap but need more yarn, which needs ordering, so I am not idle LOL
I must have intuitively tuned into the first day of spring yesterday as I cleaned and cleared out a lot of trash and passed on other stuff which is of no use to me but of much use to others.....
At 10:32 am PDT today , the Sun will enter the final phase of the 360 steps of transformation, the last degree of Pisces. This is the Omega point, the end of the end of the old year where we prepare for the beginning of the new, as symbolized by the first degree of Aries, the Vernal entry point into Spring................ Nothing miraculous is ever contrary to Nature's laws. Rather, they are the fulfillment of the human potential, a great thing indeed if the chronicles of antiquity are to be believed. We have the power to create a much greater future for ourselves, but we must organize into thoughtform building groups to strengthen the manifestations. Part of the work in bringing forth a better world will come from negating the destructive thoughtforms that pervade our psychic atmosphere
The recognition of our interrelatedness is essential for those of us who care for our world, humanity, the creatures and plants and Gaia Herself. We humans must at some point set aside our differences and create thoughtforms that will effect positive change, to whatever degree we are able. This will take 10,000 shapes so don't judge anything too quickly or harshly. The Law of Magnetic Attraction always works simultaneously with the Law of Economy of Energy and the Law of Synthesis. These are the three great Spiritual "Laws" of our system. Therefore we must assume that what we attract and what we are attracted to works to bring forth a greater economy of living, and also serves in some way to help us synthesize parts of our life into a greater understanding and/or awareness. Whether the bond is brief or long, each of our Spiritual Brothers and Sisters reveals something of our Higher Self to our lower self. Each shows us what we love, what we attract, what we're learning to welcome, and what we're learning to leave behind.
The Light is revealing all - now we must bring on the Love [no not the emotional stuff/guff, but Universal Love -that's the one without prejudice] The fear we are being fed by governments and groups is prompting some people to be more selfish - we need to be SHAREFISH :) new word
Blessings be :)
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