Thanks Meloni :) yep I think we are both very lucky ladies.......yes there is a picture of Nic - penultimate of World Cup night :) Yes the sky is blue the birds sing and life is amazingly good with much laughter and love :) xx
July 21, Saturn will enter Libra where it will stay until October 2012. Prepare for a radical rebalancing!
It amazes me to see how many people:
- Listen to nasty music and think it won't affect them.
- Watch bad images and think they will not be impacted by them.
- Lie, cheat, and steal and think that it will not undermine their
- Are late, unprepared and apathetic and think that it will not
impact their income potential.
- Make excuses and blame others for their sorry state and think
that it serves a useful purpose.
- Surround themselves with a lousy reference group and think that
they will not become just like them.
- Gossip about and criticize other people and think that it does
not demonstrate a lack of character.
- Expose their mind and soul to behavioral indecencies and really
think that it will not negatively impact their results.
These people are delusional if they think that's the case.
UNFORTUNATELY, far too many are OVER-EXPOSED to these behavioral
indecencies which add absolutely no value to their lives.
In fact, by remaining exposed to these indecencies, they are in
effect digging a grave which they may never climb out of.
You must never forget that your mind thinks about what it is
exposed too.
Therefore, consciously give serious and consistent exposure to
whatever is:
- True
- Noble
- Right
- Pure
- Lovely
- Admirable
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy-expose yourself
Your challenge each and every day is twofold:
Expose yourself to new ideas, to stimulating conversation,
to positivity, to good--honorable people, to quality music, to
healthy food, and...anything that is virtuous.
Expose other people to your good character, sound judgment,
and to your helpful nature. You must expose people to the example
you want emulated in society.
You must consistently expose yourself, your children, employees and
friends to world-class ideas, and that is exactly why I created
Everything Counts!
...... you will be exposed to:
- Excellence
- Quality
- Commitment
- Integrity
- Attention to detail
- The competitive advantages of speed
- Accountability and reputational collateral
- Best personal practices of the most product people that ever lived
and so much more... [100 day challenge]
Self-Existing Star (7/25/2010)
’Day Out of Time’
Yellow Star is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you
are becoming.
Day out of time
Around the planet, this day is reserved for festival and community.
Central focuses are:
Planetary Peace through Culture,
Stop business as usual,
Attest to the truth that "Time is Art!"
...forgiveness, atonement, freeing of debts, purification, the Art of
The Day out of Time, celebrated annually since 1992, always falls on
July 25th.
In the 13 Moon calendar, this day is no day of the month, and no day of
the week. It is in between the closing of the previous year (July 24th)
and the dawning of the new year (July 26th).
The offical flag for the Day out of Time is the Banner of Peace. This
flag is flown in 71 Brazilian cities alone, where it is recognized as an
official municipal holiday. In Japan, over 100 Day out of Time
Festivals displayed this symbol to unify our intentions of "Planetary
Peace Through Culture."
This day is an opportunity to experience the freedom of being alive,
true timelessness and loving kindness. Whether public gatherings or
private circles, this day is a catalytic launch-pad for the year to
come, a great, global harnessing of telepathic presence, and a perfect
way to invite new participants into the harmony of the 13 Moon Calendar.
The celebration begins in the heart!
Festival de día fuera del tiempo:
23 , 24 Y 25 JULIO 2010
un Festival de Paz através de La Cultura en el que "El Tiempo es Arte"
y en donde La Paz, La Alegria y El Amor se Sincronizan en un Arcoiris
Multicolor .
3 DIAS: 60€,
1 DIA: 20€
Nueva Tierra Maya
650 150 657 [La Chispa]
"....... thank my lucky
stars that I am consciously aware of these changes that are happening,
why? Because every single person on the planet is to some degree
experiencing these changes and with those that are not consciously aware
it is it brings forth unpleasant experiences. So many people right now
have a very short fuse and can go off at the drop of a “word”. Yes! I
deliberately chose this statement instead of the drop of a hat........Where as one person
might not be offended by the use of a particular word, another might
take great offence to it. The reason for that is that the one will have
no unpleasant memories from the past that might be attached to that
particular word and another will.
......... I have a feeling this
is going to increase" []
Yesterday has gone. Tomorrow may never come. There is only the miracle of this moment. Savor it. It is a gift. ~Marie Stilkind

July 21, Saturn will enter Libra where it will stay until October 2012. Prepare for a radical rebalancing!
A final note: Saturn is said to be "Exalted" in Libra. That means Libra is the sign of Saturn's greatest development. When Saturn is shining through the light of balance, equilibrium, and perfect equipoise, it's a marvel to behold.
The Great Work of self-perfection takes time, rhythm, and a sense of perspective and proportion so that we come through the ordeal as a perfectly balanced Higher Self. A well-rounded knowledge of Self and Life is not a bad goal to strive for. Enjoy the entry point!
It amazes me to see how many people:
- Listen to nasty music and think it won't affect them.
- Watch bad images and think they will not be impacted by them.
- Lie, cheat, and steal and think that it will not undermine their
- Are late, unprepared and apathetic and think that it will not
impact their income potential.
- Make excuses and blame others for their sorry state and think
that it serves a useful purpose.
- Surround themselves with a lousy reference group and think that
they will not become just like them.
- Gossip about and criticize other people and think that it does
not demonstrate a lack of character.
- Expose their mind and soul to behavioral indecencies and really
think that it will not negatively impact their results.
These people are delusional if they think that's the case.
UNFORTUNATELY, far too many are OVER-EXPOSED to these behavioral
indecencies which add absolutely no value to their lives.
In fact, by remaining exposed to these indecencies, they are in
effect digging a grave which they may never climb out of.
You must never forget that your mind thinks about what it is
exposed too.
Therefore, consciously give serious and consistent exposure to
whatever is:
- True
- Noble
- Right
- Pure
- Lovely
- Admirable
If anything is excellent or praiseworthy-expose yourself
Your challenge each and every day is twofold:
Expose yourself to new ideas, to stimulating conversation,
to positivity, to good--honorable people, to quality music, to
healthy food, and...anything that is virtuous.
Expose other people to your good character, sound judgment,
and to your helpful nature. You must expose people to the example
you want emulated in society.
You must consistently expose yourself, your children, employees and
friends to world-class ideas, and that is exactly why I created
Everything Counts!
...... you will be exposed to:
- Excellence
- Quality
- Commitment
- Integrity
- Attention to detail
- The competitive advantages of speed
- Accountability and reputational collateral
- Best personal practices of the most product people that ever lived
and so much more... [100 day challenge]
Self-Existing Star (7/25/2010)
’Day Out of Time’
Yellow Star is your Conscious Self - who you are and who you
are becoming.
Day out of time
Around the planet, this day is reserved for festival and community.
Central focuses are:
Planetary Peace through Culture,
Stop business as usual,
Attest to the truth that "Time is Art!"
...forgiveness, atonement, freeing of debts, purification, the Art of
The Day out of Time, celebrated annually since 1992, always falls on
July 25th.
In the 13 Moon calendar, this day is no day of the month, and no day of
the week. It is in between the closing of the previous year (July 24th)
and the dawning of the new year (July 26th).
The offical flag for the Day out of Time is the Banner of Peace. This
flag is flown in 71 Brazilian cities alone, where it is recognized as an
official municipal holiday. In Japan, over 100 Day out of Time
Festivals displayed this symbol to unify our intentions of "Planetary
Peace Through Culture."
This day is an opportunity to experience the freedom of being alive,
true timelessness and loving kindness. Whether public gatherings or
private circles, this day is a catalytic launch-pad for the year to
come, a great, global harnessing of telepathic presence, and a perfect
way to invite new participants into the harmony of the 13 Moon Calendar.
The celebration begins in the heart!
Festival de día fuera del tiempo:
23 , 24 Y 25 JULIO 2010
un Festival de Paz através de La Cultura en el que "El Tiempo es Arte"
y en donde La Paz, La Alegria y El Amor se Sincronizan en un Arcoiris
Multicolor .
3 DIAS: 60€,
1 DIA: 20€
Nueva Tierra Maya
650 150 657 [La Chispa]
"....... thank my lucky
stars that I am consciously aware of these changes that are happening,
why? Because every single person on the planet is to some degree
experiencing these changes and with those that are not consciously aware
it is it brings forth unpleasant experiences. So many people right now
have a very short fuse and can go off at the drop of a “word”. Yes! I
deliberately chose this statement instead of the drop of a hat........Where as one person
might not be offended by the use of a particular word, another might
take great offence to it. The reason for that is that the one will have
no unpleasant memories from the past that might be attached to that
particular word and another will.
......... I have a feeling this
is going to increase" []
Yesterday has gone. Tomorrow may never come. There is only the miracle of this moment. Savor it. It is a gift. ~Marie Stilkind
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