Thursday, June 30

Busy -ness

Lots of great feedback for the Creative Collaborators, for those who want pics of us lot mmmmmm we are a shy and retiring bunch of dudes LOL and if you peruse the site you will come accross pictures of some of us!!
I have taken on board the dificulty that many might have with reading the text on the "linen" background so all change there....
As you can see I have had a wee change here too - just wish I could get rid of that undefined stuff that keeps appearing, google are good but they don´t give you chance to change or access the html of the template I have the same problem with the Crochet Crook site - unable to alter the side bar argggggg, or does anyone know if this is poss and how.
Good news is I have my first commision for making a web site wooooo hoooo I will keep you posted on the developement and an order for some crochet, so things are beginning to roll......
I have added a new link to People Medicine - from the Frugal Physician I hope you will take a moment to visit this wise Doctor
I have decided that Crochet crooks blog is to go and instead incorporate it into the Crochet crook main site, there is too much scattered about and needs refining
Big Thanks to Wendy who is cleaning up my casa after being shut up for so long and suffered the usual from the heavy rains of winter......mouldy :(  although thankfully all that hardwork,, by N painting walls with special paint has at least kept the walls in tip top shape phew.

Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. ~Ovid

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