Tuesday, June 21


Blimey is it that long since last I wrote, Blogger has been given a face lift - all change - well it is that time of year again - a time to put away the past/memories.....
" It's the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, said to be the time at which "free will" acts more powerfully than any other time. It is a point of decision.......This is a time of diversification and flow, concentration and letting go, decision and humor. This is the time when past will separate from present so that the new future already embraced can move ahead with no ghosts from the past to encumber it.
Aum, blessings, and Happy Summer Solstice as we stand on the threshold of a new season of life! Let go of fear, let go of memories, let go of lesser things and receive rewards for your diligence in taking the initiative."(aquarius papers)

So N has quit his job, well who can blame him, need danger money for that kinda work......funnily enough it is all that is advertised these days - careworkers for the young - minimum wage, that´s less than 6squid and hour - companies seem to have strted out with good intentions to help the youth who have had a shitty start in life, most of them are feral, at 12 never been to school - their only experience of life is violence and abuse, these poor souls need real help with a system that keeps them occupied along with therapies of differing kinds but instead the thou a day, yep that´s what the company gets for these kids, no anger management, no pschological help, no way for their anger and frustration to come out, (boxing, sport, acting, music, art oh there are so many ways - one for every need/character)So it is no wonder that the only jobs on offer are these no-one wants to do them or they give it a go and leave after a few sessions. N has been faced with a broken wine glass point facing, drunken fights, flying debris within the confines of a caravan, taking punches all this and the child is only 12, whaddya do? All impulses say smack the little bugger - flatten him, but is this what we want to do to a child who only knows the worst of what life can offer........maybe I should do the lottery and we could start our own project.......our creative consultant and us have many talks about this as she too is a youth worker but has been put off having gone for an interview with another company offering same sevices, again when pressed they has to admit that a certain amount of violence exists, now this lady is a single mum and can´t afford to end up in hospital or with broken limbs apart from the fact that it goes against every grain in her body to have to resort to such measures.......so along with the folks who have taken advantage of the elderly in need there are those doing the same with our youth, how sad is it that our society is so greedy that without conscience they can live in their "nice homes" and go on their holidays at the expense of others........and we sit and shake our heads and tut tut.........when are we gonna start fighting back.......fighting talk from a so called pacifist hahahaha
Now he is using this tme for getting back to writing (short stories)

We did take a foray over to Langholm a week ago - a job with horses that was/is a possible for N - it was a beautiful day and the drive over was spectacular, the scenery is very different, the job interview was but a stones throw away from Bentpath (significance to those who don´t know me - where D lived), as were up there it was a good opportunity to visit Samye Ling - bloody éll what a change - so many new buildings, it has lost it´s "openess" (mmmm a few connotations there) - N said it looked more like a theme park as you enter and I guess it could well do to someone seeing it for the first time.......but along the river it is as it ever was.....Squidge had a fab time :) We spent some time in Langholm before heading back via Eaglesfield and my ole haunts, Burnfoot has been sold and is being totally over hauled and lost it´s charm (well in my eyes) and my beautiful garden has been annihilated :( The grounds of Springkell are looking good though and the wild flowers are just stunning at this time of year - despite all the emotions7memories - it was a beautiful day - the job? well N is pondering on that......

What else - my wee casa looks like it is gonna see some life after all this summer as friends are taking advantage (in the nicest possible way of course) from the beg of July through to last week in August.

A time of letting go - Andalucia Naturally - no longer exists BUT another has been born.......Creative Collaborators - This started with an idea when our Creative consultant visited one day - Spring Fling was about to happen - a great "event" but apart from having to apply nearly a year in advance fill in pages of blah blah and appeal to those who are in charge - talking of charge - it is way above what most of the artists I know can afford - so we are starting our own!! A platform for arts, crafts and ideas......
So I have been busy setting it up so my days of crochetting (plenty on the go) are now intespersed with hours on the laptop, something I haven´t done for a few years.......

Personally - menapausal madness takes over at times and creates a certain amount of havoc within - mixed with the "times" - so some pain emotionally - changes occuring at every level - as they would say in CasaB "es normal"
Some friends we thought
would be til the end
Love unconditional
Turned out to be seasonal

We loved them thru' thick & thin
Opinionated but not judgemental
Forgotten in unforgiveness
For a moment in my madness

Friends that become
appear - bring  hope & cheer
Reminding yet again that death
Brings Life and new breath

The current solstice is about your continued awakening into greater collective consciousness, and your growing responsibility and accountability toward each other. It’s about an inner revolution and transformation that is being energized in outer world events............A peaceful mind and a peaceful world go hand-in-hand.(joy and clarity)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good long post. I specially enjoyed the poem. Keep the light shining!

Good interesting links to new creative projects. Hard work that will see its rewards for sure.