Building a web site has kept me bus for the past couple of weeks - this time not for myself . a proper job hahaha anyway take a look at The Scottish Satyananda Yoga Network - there is still a wee bit more to finish it off, but it is all but complete.
We have another collaborator join and others are to follow, but it is the time of Galas and school hols which puts a hold on a lot of things. This weekend is Moniaive Gala and much preparation is going on by the selfless souls who give their time and effort to make it a success. Talking of selfless souls - sadly there are some very selfish egos who seem to have no regard for the elderly or children of this village and do as they please and get really snotty when asked to have some consideration for others - their strident tones can be heard by all as they berate others and lie their way through life, believing that they have some God given right and everyone else should just roll over to their wishes. These people would be outraged if treated in the same way - to me there is but one rule in life and that is to treat others as one would wish to be treated and I confess that I find it hard to send out love and blessings to them - but that is my lesson - (and I am sure there are many who can pull me up for being selfish at times too) - OK steam let off.
Monaiave Gala was much fun and despite some heavy showers the sun shone for most of the time, Friday night was Moniaive's got talent was very good 6 youngsters and 6 mad adults all with talent pouring out their pores - of course our local celebrity(Alex Kapranos) was on hand as one of the judges, whch was quite daunting for the youngsters!! Saturday night was a night of dancing to a very good band - LOUD certainly - everyone was up and bopping. Poor N was knackered as he spent all Saturday helpong out at all the events for the children and putting up and putting away of chairs and tables - previous days had seen him helping to erect the marquee and stage and of course then it all had to be dismantled - phew rest is much needed.
Tomorrow we are off to Kircudbright with C there is an exhibition of the Glasgow Boys and then for a pic-nic by the sea.........and on Friday oooooo much excitement and huge Thanks to S n M for making it poss, we are off to the Wickerman and see S do her stuff and then..........James are heading the Friday night wooooo hooooo much dancing then.......the 2 Js will keep an eye on the Squidge for me xxxx
A fun evening with J n D last night resulted in us booking 4 nights at Mossyard at the end of September - full moon - Del died 3 years ago at the new moon in Septemeber so it seems right to have a rite of passage for both he n me - a time of celebration and a moving on.......and now must move on get some work done :)
Blessings be xxx
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