Monday, May 4

Sublime & Ridiculous

Below a fine hand dyed cashmere scarf underway, colour isn't good in this pic a better one can be seen at Crochet Crook The other pic is off a selection of plastic bags recycled, strangely enough people really like these, so far I have just been playing with them - again time consuming to fold cut and then knot up into balls and not the easiest of "yarn" to work with.

Was looking for a pattern tother day and came across this, I must have written it not long after the death of Del
Soar high like an eagle
Higher than Jonathon Seagull
I can look into your eyes
and see the disguise
I missed
when I kissed
You knew
Deep within
I miss you
my man
You chose to depart
and now I must restart
A new life
no longer a wife.

Bon Voyage Val xx
See you all in Moniaive very soon.......Full Moon/Wesak.........powerful times

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