Funny how life evolves at times - Saturday would have been our 18th wedding anniversary and I was planning a quiet day on my own, I knew I wouldn't be bothered by visitors as there is a charity day going on up at El Oasis [I already explained why I wouldn't be there and have done "my bit" already]. I knew I was working up at L.E. but as it is just clearing up after the guests and as there aren't any others there is no big rush and I can be on my own, well best laid plans an all that, Anne emailed me about coming over quite a while ago and then it seemed she would be the beginning of Sept then on Monday I received an email saying she is arriving this Friday evening - well looks like the universe and I had differing ideas LOL, I have forewarned her I could be a little withdrawn on Saturday.....
L & K are talking more and more of moving - work is scarce and school time looms, parents have to buy all the school books and this can be close to 200euros, would be very strange here without them about, but unlike a few months ago when this thought would have me breaking out in a cold sweat, I find myself sad at the thought, but everything changes and better to roll with it than struggle - they are the closest I have to family here and looked after me so well when D died, Leigh was a star!!
Jo has been in touch saying she has someone interested in my crochet and would I do stuff for the larger lady, so I am not without orders so really should buckle down, tis difficult in the summer what with La Era, visitors, and the outdoor evening lifestyle, afternoons indoors can still be too hot for doing anything but siesta-ing - I have refrained from using air-con completely and fans very rarely - it's visitors who tend to use them non-stop, but that is all slackening off now so I can re-focus my energies
New research shows that when we experience positive emotions ~ love, joy, serenity, amusement, pride, as examples ~ our awareness expands.
Negative emotions, conversely, can actually shrink our mental capacity and perceptions. According to U.S. News & World Report:
She also finds that people who increase their "daily diet" of positive emotions develop closer connections with others, their resilience and optimism strengthens, and they become less depressed and more satisfied with life, compared with people who do nothing to experience them more frequently.
'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll
give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If
you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a
smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is
given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton
of shit !!'
Times are tough all over, for some more than others. At the same time, in many areas of human existence, we are more aware and advanced than we've ever been before. "These are the best of times, the worst of times" as it was once put. That seems to be the theme at every important juncture in human history, when the few have accumulated much, and many have little or nothing, relatively speaking. Everywhere people yearn for better lives, but are frustrated by the inertia of the larger environment, which seems harder than it needs to be..........It's easy to go with what we know, even if that deadens our imagination. Many unnecessarily limit their options for all kinds of reasons. Some unnecessary limitations are conscious and justified by the lower mind as it clings to the sources of its own suffering. Some are unconscious, also operating through attachment, aversion, illusion, or pessimism. Here the inertia of the larger environment does not help, since it too is infected with these limiting factors............Our inner response determines our outer response. As we encounter outside influences, both harmonious and frictional, we form attitudes toward circumstances, causes, and ways of responding. Apparent defeats demoralize the lordly mind and its assumptions, which then result in many feelings. Negative experiences are often followed by negative feelings due to conditioning. Our successes also condition us, usually programming us to want more...........Habits usually continue until we tire of them, or they are disrupted by external events. Then comes the void. Great possibilities exist in that moment of emptiness, but again, we are conditioned creatures physically, emotionally, and mentally. How we've been conditioned often limits our imagination so we hesitate, or fear, or wonder, or fall into confusion when confronting emptiness...........

L & K are talking more and more of moving - work is scarce and school time looms, parents have to buy all the school books and this can be close to 200euros, would be very strange here without them about, but unlike a few months ago when this thought would have me breaking out in a cold sweat, I find myself sad at the thought, but everything changes and better to roll with it than struggle - they are the closest I have to family here and looked after me so well when D died, Leigh was a star!!
Jo has been in touch saying she has someone interested in my crochet and would I do stuff for the larger lady, so I am not without orders so really should buckle down, tis difficult in the summer what with La Era, visitors, and the outdoor evening lifestyle, afternoons indoors can still be too hot for doing anything but siesta-ing - I have refrained from using air-con completely and fans very rarely - it's visitors who tend to use them non-stop, but that is all slackening off now so I can re-focus my energies
New research shows that when we experience positive emotions ~ love, joy, serenity, amusement, pride, as examples ~ our awareness expands.
“We literally see more, our peripheral vision is expanded,” says Barbara Frederickson, a psychology professor at the University of North Carolina and author of the book Positivity, which is based on her research.
She also finds that people who increase their "daily diet" of positive emotions develop closer connections with others, their resilience and optimism strengthens, and they become less depressed and more satisfied with life, compared with people who do nothing to experience them more frequently.
'Whatever you give a woman, she will make greater. If you give her sperm, she'll
give you a baby. If you give her a house, she'll give you a home. If
you give her groceries, she'll give you a meal. If you give her a
smile, she'll give you her heart. She multiplies and enlarges what is
given to her. So, if you give her any crap, be ready to receive a ton
of shit !!'
Times are tough all over, for some more than others. At the same time, in many areas of human existence, we are more aware and advanced than we've ever been before. "These are the best of times, the worst of times" as it was once put. That seems to be the theme at every important juncture in human history, when the few have accumulated much, and many have little or nothing, relatively speaking. Everywhere people yearn for better lives, but are frustrated by the inertia of the larger environment, which seems harder than it needs to be..........It's easy to go with what we know, even if that deadens our imagination. Many unnecessarily limit their options for all kinds of reasons. Some unnecessary limitations are conscious and justified by the lower mind as it clings to the sources of its own suffering. Some are unconscious, also operating through attachment, aversion, illusion, or pessimism. Here the inertia of the larger environment does not help, since it too is infected with these limiting factors............Our inner response determines our outer response. As we encounter outside influences, both harmonious and frictional, we form attitudes toward circumstances, causes, and ways of responding. Apparent defeats demoralize the lordly mind and its assumptions, which then result in many feelings. Negative experiences are often followed by negative feelings due to conditioning. Our successes also condition us, usually programming us to want more...........Habits usually continue until we tire of them, or they are disrupted by external events. Then comes the void. Great possibilities exist in that moment of emptiness, but again, we are conditioned creatures physically, emotionally, and mentally. How we've been conditioned often limits our imagination so we hesitate, or fear, or wonder, or fall into confusion when confronting emptiness...........
If we willingly avoid looking at our power to choose to change patterns, then our lives stay stuck in past patterns until we are forced by circumstances to change. On the other hand, we can also choose to welcome unknown possibilities, moving into our potential to grow into higher awareness. That yields opportunities to become more skillful in applying our spiritual intelligence in our life, which in turn yields knowledge and understanding. Though many things in life are difficult and we've all had painful experiences, that does not mean we need to perpetuate our suffering

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