Having just come back from a wandering with the mutts and cloud watching, remembering how clouds played quite a part in D's n my life - many years ago we used to practice cloud busting, until we decided we shouldn't really mess with nature unless for a very good reason, so clouds are for answering questions :) and occasionally cloaking an alien!! This morning the low dark rain clouds are swiftly passing from west to easy revealing pale blues and pinks, such gentle colours and reminding us that when the dark clouds pass there will be beauty. We live in interesting times and there is certainly more light - how else would the dirt be shown up and there's been plenty of that this past year and made visible for all to see and change has to occur, there is no turning back and I for one heave a sigh of relief, oh there will difficult times - folks don't like change however glibly we may spout about the only constant in life is change, we just have to "go with the flow" or make our lives no fun at all, simple choice really........funny how the simplest things in life are the hardest to achieve, we can strive to live a simple life and keep our choices simple BUT in the striving we create complications - pictures of hamsters on a wheel :)
Have a powerful day that is beneficial to the ALL, not the one [yep I can hear the voice that says "but by being good to me is being good to all coz I am part of the ALL - moral of the story - do what is right for you and hurt no other in the process]
Light Love and Power [Will to Good]
Here's something for the sisters :)
The separation was conscious and it was part of our support and service to bring your souls and spirit back into alignment – as the journey of the divine masculine was being traversed. The imbalance that resulted was not something that could be foretold – for still as it has always been the freedom and the choice in being conscious or not – in choosing something or something else has rested in the hands of each of you. The journey had to be taken in this way – and now the journey has come to an end in one cycle as another is birthed.And as you enter towards the portal of 9:9 – know that it will be a point of completion. It is a point of pause. Like the Divine Mother that I am but now as the Divine Feminine encompassing all sacred feminine archetypes – it is time during the pause of the 9:9 Divine Feminine Portal to express your Goddess Spark. It matters not whether you are man or woman in body – for this has always been part of your expression not the whole representation. It is the merging of all that is you – in the same way that we have merged all that was Divine Feminine, that we ask you to honour your Goddess Spark.
The Goddess energy is about love through play, it is about nurturing with love, it is about creation with love, it is about abandoning the confines of the mind and merging the mind and heart. The Goddess energy that we emit is light – and bonds with you like sparks of light. Each spark expanding you and supporting the creation of the new you! For it is not just those who are in light who are renewed – each of you has undergone the experience of a re-birthing. The shift in moving forward – and for those who still feel their movement has been prevented or distracted – just understand that you are still moving forward and that the purpose in delay has been the choice of your soul. It is now time to speak to your soul through your heart, with love and bring it forward to be part of this new earth.
As the Divine Feminine energy completes a phase of its cycle during the gateway of 9:9 – we ask that you do not sit in meditation for that work was done during the portal of 8:8 – but instead dance or sing. This way you can enliven your Goddess spark. The law of the universe has not changed – the more you enliven this the more it is drawn to you – and the more we can reflect it back – so the cycle can continue progressing as we move to the next phase of blissful being.
Numerically 2009 is an eleven year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. This year has involved the greatest influx of Light that Humanity has experienced since........
No matter how oblivious a person may be of his or her Divinity, every person is a Beloved Child of God, which means that all that our Father-Mother God have is ours. We are One. We are interconnected, interdependent, and interrelated. What affects one of us affects all of us. The Universal Law is, "As I AM lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me."
These are exciting times and we have the wonderful opportunity to truly make a difference. The date 09-09-09 offers a gift, a portal, an activation and transmission of cosmic consciousness. We the collective have the opportunity to partner with the celestial realms to focus our awareness and intention for the highest and the best to unfold in our own lives and in the lives of others. This is a day to claim and own our power.We live in a sea of vibrations, everything and everyone is frequency. We are becoming aware of our true power to influence the quantum field with our words, emotions and intentions. This truth is especially powerful when we join together as a conscious collective with one common goal and one focused intention for global change.
Usually, Mercury goes retrograde 3 times each year, but this year we'll see another one begin in late December, making this a somewhat unusual year. When Mercury is retrograde, it seems to throw people and situations into a whirlwind of over, under, sideways and down. But does it really? Just what is Mercury retrograde? In the next few weeks we'll discover many things about how Mercury Retrograde in Libra and Virgo affects us.
Mercury retrograde is one of the most misunderstood parts of astrology. Many have heard about it, but don't know what it really is. I've given an introduction about the general meaning of the phenomenon known as Mercury Retrograde in the article, Mercury Retrograde - A New Look at the Guide of Souls. It was written to assist readers to pierce through many of the superstitions and suppositions concerning this repeating phenomenon, and how it works in our lives.

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