Sunday, June 26

May Peace prevail on Earth

Yesterday was the Annual World Peace Festival - a ceromony held at Allanton House  - A friend kindly offered us a lift - so for me it was another trip down memory lane as I had been at the first and/or second years ago - unlike Samye Ling - not much has changed - oh yes lots of work on the gardens for sure but still very informal, gentle energies - a time when children can take part. For N it was another first. Duncan a local Moniaive gentleman was taking the opportunity to pass a candle to representatives from the continents to take back to their country and pass along to their church/organisation and keep the candle for peace travelling through the world.....a simple but effective ritual and  one will be passed onto the UN on International Peace day 21 Sept in NY.
Having spent several hours imbued by these gentle energies came home and found myself inspired on all levels once again.......
which leads me on to........I am gobsmacked (no I know not very ladylike) but N had been checking his stats for his blog - something I hadn´t thought of to be honest wasn´t aware that I could in such detail....anyway thank you to all those folks ALL around the world who pop by.......I really am amazed at where I have travelled - virtually - Blessings Be!!
Creative Collaborators is beginning to take shape and we have a short write up in the new GHB - thanks S xx - another is about to come on board and visions for the future are big and broad :)
We were talking of how N should develop his short stories - it was thought that despite a certain amount of us still wanting a book to hold and read it is a´changing - kids will grow up naturally reading from some sort of screen, so downloads would be the best way to go for now.........then I find Aquarius Papers has gone FaceBook........everyone is moving - going with the flow -

"The In Betweens (Robert Wilkinson)

It seems we are in one of those time spaces I have termed "the in-betweens." This is the moment between breaths, between steps, between thoughts, and between life chapters.
If you are impatiently waiting for an answer, a response, a clear vision, a sense of definite movement into something you haven't glimpsed, understood, or captured, you're in "the in-betweens." The trick is not to get hooked into counterproductive emotional and mental states while we're waiting for the unknown to manifest......"

Read a great book by Stephanie Sorrel - Nature as a Mirror - she writes with clear simplicity, no jargon, there is something it in that everyone could relate to.......
Anyway enuff for now need to update the Crook as she has been quiet due to work on CC - who I am also happy to see that I have had a lot of visitors from around the world and often through google search ....... 


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