Friday, January 22

It's official......

Yep I am to be a Grandmama - due around August 1 - my son is to be a Daddy mmmmm :) Gotta laugh Marta is August 3 - so another we Marta that will be fun!! Especially for the parents :)

Think I must be getting to that "old" age - I am not sure I like the new cars with all their flashing lights and beeps, and definitely not keen on the petrol give me a diesel engine any day, maybe I will change my view BUT don't hold your breath.....not that I am not exceedingly grateful to Z for letting me have the use of her precious brm brm

Ana's chaqueta is coming along nicely having been up to her twice for probarse, I was having me usual headful of doubts, but I am pleased with the way it is shaping up and should have it finished at the w/e......

Inter-cambio - ed out on Wed as first Africa came round and then in the evening Carmen, I can nearly hold a whole conversation in Spanish wow, who'd have believed it????? Anyway tis Carmen's Bday on Monday and Afrikeeta's on Sunday so Remy is making paella for everyone on Sunday and we shall have a wee fiesta for the Bday girls, at my place being a bit bigger than their places, also Gabriella can glue herself to the pc, G obviously got a toy puppy for Navidad and now wants me to crochet a coat for it.......ah well......

There is a train of thought that says we create our future by our thoughts of today [and I do have a sneaky feeling this is very close to the truth] but for now sod creating and just go with the flow, thoughts? keep 'em kind - that's all - keep it simple and smile :}

And for today's forecast

You are so skilled at being gracious that sometimes your greatest challenge is acknowledging what you need. Today, however, you know exactly what you want and would be wise to ask for it. But keep in mind that being vulnerable has its downside and you might have to wait for satisfaction. Nevertheless, if you express yourself nicely, your chances for success are favorable.

Blessings Be xx

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