Karma, in the popular view, is often
perceived as the bogey man of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong
thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all.
Reflectance is entirely automatic. There is
no judge. No one looms over you, threatening retribution for imaginary sins. However, because this
law of life is automatic, you have to be the one to initiate change. It will not come to you until
you take the initiative, until you create the action so that there can be a reaction.It's just like the law in physics:
"For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." This law goes much deeper
than just a law of mechanical motion. It is how the universe is designed at all levels. Your power lies in how you respond to the
circumstances which have been created in your life. Circumstances, within themselves, are inherently
neutral. It is human judgment that assigns positive and negative values to those circumstances. It
is a paradox of life that the challenges of difficult times can produce the most happiness in the
And whether you want to be thought alternative or scientific the law is the same - and despite my lows I, in my heart of hearts, know that shit happens to everyone and it aint what happens BUT how we deal with it that counts in the end :)
Sun/Light/Warmth - all bring a lift to the spirit and help, and the last few days have certainly helped! I had a lovely email from a couple who read my blog and come out here periodically, hope I meet them next time they are out, anyway the gist of it was my positive attitude, hahahaha, hasn't felt very positive of late not helped by the fact that I then berate myself for not being positive and walking my talk - ever decreasing circles - but my spirits are lifting along with the gaining strength of the sun - so I have lost Cecil and although insured not itv'd so insurance null & void and honesty doesn't seem to be the policy that pays, so I really am in the hands of the universe now and thinking I had better let Frank know in case he suddenly calls and wants me up at L E at a moments notice.........anyway off to Alhaurin with J to collect rest of stuff out of car, including battery as it is only a couple of months old, I am sure I can find a home for it.......
You optimistically believe that the future holds promise and you are willing to wait just a bit longer to receive the goodies that you want right now. Even if something goes wrong today, it's not difficult for you to see the potential of the moment. Your anticipation of better days ahead helps you stay positive; your cheerful attitude, in turn, increases your overall chances for success.
All collected from Cecil and he is off to be squashed today :( So now back to work [crochet]
Blessings Be xx

perceived as the bogey man of Eastern philosophy, as the stick that punishes you for doing the wrong
thing. In reality it is much simpler than that, and it carries no judgmental overtone at all.
Reflectance is entirely automatic. There is
no judge. No one looms over you, threatening retribution for imaginary sins. However, because this
law of life is automatic, you have to be the one to initiate change. It will not come to you until
you take the initiative, until you create the action so that there can be a reaction.It's just like the law in physics:
"For every action, there is an opposite and equal reaction." This law goes much deeper
than just a law of mechanical motion. It is how the universe is designed at all levels. Your power lies in how you respond to the
circumstances which have been created in your life. Circumstances, within themselves, are inherently
neutral. It is human judgment that assigns positive and negative values to those circumstances. It
is a paradox of life that the challenges of difficult times can produce the most happiness in the
And whether you want to be thought alternative or scientific the law is the same - and despite my lows I, in my heart of hearts, know that shit happens to everyone and it aint what happens BUT how we deal with it that counts in the end :)
Sun/Light/Warmth - all bring a lift to the spirit and help, and the last few days have certainly helped! I had a lovely email from a couple who read my blog and come out here periodically, hope I meet them next time they are out, anyway the gist of it was my positive attitude, hahahaha, hasn't felt very positive of late not helped by the fact that I then berate myself for not being positive and walking my talk - ever decreasing circles - but my spirits are lifting along with the gaining strength of the sun - so I have lost Cecil and although insured not itv'd so insurance null & void and honesty doesn't seem to be the policy that pays, so I really am in the hands of the universe now and thinking I had better let Frank know in case he suddenly calls and wants me up at L E at a moments notice.........anyway off to Alhaurin with J to collect rest of stuff out of car, including battery as it is only a couple of months old, I am sure I can find a home for it.......
You optimistically believe that the future holds promise and you are willing to wait just a bit longer to receive the goodies that you want right now. Even if something goes wrong today, it's not difficult for you to see the potential of the moment. Your anticipation of better days ahead helps you stay positive; your cheerful attitude, in turn, increases your overall chances for success.
All collected from Cecil and he is off to be squashed today :( So now back to work [crochet]
Blessings Be xx
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