Sunday, January 17

RIP Cecil

What a week, hopefully not to be repeated......went over to Coin to see L K n M last Thursday, stayed the night and went on a yarn hunt on Friday morning and found some perfect for Ana's order; when M got home from school they all came back to the village for the w/e - we went out to J & A's on Sat as we wouldn't be able to get together on A's Bday, the weather stayed dry but with a biting wind, Sunday dawned - I was supposed to be going to Cartama with Roma but the weather changed and clouds came rolling in, so canceled that trip and decided to head off to Coin asap, the weather got worse with sleet falling, so poco poco was our trip, just as we were on the outskirts of Coin, L asked if I wanted to go to the flea market before heading home,, I said no so she was just about to call her mum when we see a bloody great people carrier heading straight towards us and smacked us hard, as we were on a corner I was going exceptionally slowly, most importantly everyone involved came out without a scratch, Cecil didn't he's a complete write off :(  Our first thoughts were lots of expletives overtaking on a corner in these conditions [I've had many an encounter with silly sods who play the dice on corners] anyway it turns out to be a French guy and the cam shaft had broken so no control, not his fault either just one of those horrible accidents. Guardia were fabby and sorted everything, Zoe bless her cotton sox came over and picked Squidge and me up. Got kinda drunk that night
Amongst all of this have also been trying to get the British Consulate to get their finger out with regard to Norman, they weren't coming across as being very sympathetic to either his or my circumstances, finally sent me through some numbers for age concern, one number isn't compatible with skype and the other a mobile, so I got back to them telling them to make the contact as I am not in a position to be making mobile calls that could be lengthy!! Anywaaaaay the upshot is Age concern are now involved and seem to be more hands on and I have some support - with all the kafuffle I haven't managed to get much crochet done and I really do need to be - to much expenditure and not enough income.
I did get mad at N on Thursday, I was supposed to be going to collect the rest of my stuff from Cecil, I hadn't slept well and was feeling like shit! I felt as if I hadn't been warm since the accident [spent too much time in the sleet and biting wind on day of accident]so I went back to bed and turned the heating on a slept for several hours, woke to sunshine, still bitter cold wind, Stinkers who had been sleeping on the bed got up and bumbled downstairs to the "sunny" room - given over to N as it is the warmest/lightest room, next thing I hear is N saying F off in not a nice way, boy was I out my bed and down the stairs in a flash and I told him in the same terms that this was Stinkers home and he was the guest, I was so angry, he denied - that just made me more mad, so the atmosphere has been a little frosty!! Well Stinkers is a cat he finds the sun spot to lie in and it happened to be next to N.........what would you do??
Another 2 lovely friends have been back in the village this w/e and have been round to see me, they are off today so are bringing round their gas fire for N to use, the lady is also a social worker in the smoke and she is going to have a poke and prod at the situation - what fab friends!!

Another beautiful day so off to hang out yet more washing and hopefully spend most of day on terrace with my crochet, Ana has now changed her mind about the design of her jacket and wants a knee length, fitted with pockets and little collar, in greys and soft hues, so having started twice am hoping this will 3rd time lucky

Friday January 15
It may not appear as if your personal life is going in the right
direction now, but you'll probably end up getting what you want with
sweet Venus conjunct the Solar Eclipse in your 4th House of
Foundations. Just keep in mind that there could be a long haul in front
of you before you reach satisfaction because today you are building a
base for future operations. Remember, anything that's really
significant is worth the wait.

We seem to be going from one extreme to another, month on month. It
was the warmest October for 67 years, now it’s the wettest December in
50 years.

Here are some statistics to put this in some kind of perspective, if the rain outside your window doesn’t already.

The water levels in the reservoirs in Andalucia are now double what
they were a couple of weeks ago. December’s rainfall alone was enough
to guarantee water supplies to the Malaga and Granada regions for at
least the next two years. The region of Cadiz has enough water for the
next four years and Seville enough water for the next three years. BUT that doesn't mean everyone can be wasteful/thoughtless, the dry winters will return!! Nature's like that she's a lady and moves in cycles........

Jovial Jupiter's move into your 6th House of Habits can create problems along with opportunities. Your exuberant approach to the day-to-day routine of life allows you to show others your most positive side. But it can also cause you to overlook the importance of handling the details of your schedule. Ultimately, your best strategy to accomplish your goals will be to focus on managing your time efficiently. {hahahaha, my time is managed very efficiently but people keep popping round for tea and chats which last 2 or 3 hours, which stops work but is good for the soul}

Blessings Be xx

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