Thursday, February 18

Mas Lluvia

I was listening to this when I published my blog last night/this morning - think you will like it Val!! I know when I was listening I was thinking of all the bloody officialdom I have been dealing with - they smile and take your dosh and then turn when they are asked to do something
"Smiling faces sometimes pretend to be your friend
Smiling faces show no traces of the evil that lurks within
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof

The truth is in the eyes
Cause the eyes don't lie, amen
Remember a smile is just
A frown turned upside down
My friend let me tell you
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth, uh
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
Beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
I'm telling you beware
Beware of the pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Jealousy (jealousy)
Misery (misery)

I tell you, you can't see behind smiling faces
Smiling faces sometimes they don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof

Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
(Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes)
I'm telling you beware, beware of the handshake
That hides the snake
Listen to me now, beware
Beware of that pat on the back
It just might hold you back
Smiling faces, smiling faces sometimes
They don't tell the truth
Smiling faces, smiling faces
Tell lies and I got proof

Your enemy won't do you no harm
Cause you'll know where he's coming from
Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya
Take my advice I'm only try' to school ya"

 I took this picture from the terrace last night just before 7 - beautiful, tonight I can't see the chimney on my neighbours house and the rain is pounding the streets again. I am definitely running on empty now, no I didn't sleep at all last night, but I did enjoy listening to radio6 who played everything from the Kinks to the Killers - did some crochet and scraped some walls, then prepped the meal for the girls coming round, got a call from Marijke asking if I could bring some crochet up to the Terazza bar for Jaab to see - made a very good sale :) and some more orders , dashed back as I had promised A a computer lesson and also to finish lunch off. Julio was later getting back as problems with car [he had to go to Malaga] so lunch stretched to the 6 of us and we had a fun time as usual, think we could become quite a big group going to the Howling night when Lau comes out, J n A left just after 4 to catch the garage as it opened, R went off for her siesta and then Carmen Africa n lil un wandered off.

I wrote to consulate and age concern this morning - nothing from consulate, comforting innit for us Brits to know how concerned and caring they are!! A.C. did get back in touch saying that people had been to see N and that I had been told, well all I got was an empty email a couple of days least they are doing more and more successfully than the B.C. who couldn't find N and didn't take it any further.......I also wrote to Coin office but guess what? nadir so looks like I am going to play nasty guy and go to the press, if they think I am just giving empty threats then they are very much mistaken I was just trying to give them as many chances as poss, looks like that's all over.......on another note I popped into Charro on the way up to the super toda - she has been closed due to illness - asked her how she was  etc and she suddenly went on about finding the bit of paper with the sale of my stuff and the deal we struck originally, which stated 20% - bloody 'ell she sold 115€ - I told her to take 30% - she is happy we have met in the middle and why not she didn't have to show me, see I knew she was a good lady and I am glad I decided to keep some stuff with her, and we both agreed mainly childrens jackets and the little stuff - oh and an order for a yellow hat, from some fella - I just love this village..........

Oh yeah I see my subscribers has increased Hello and welcome - you will find there is no real rhyme nor reason to much of my meanderings and I have been known to let off steam when having imbibed in a glass or 2 of the Rioja - are you any different??
Anyone listening to the Mark Thomas Manifesto
I have been a fan of this guy for a long long time - if you like a little political humour tune in gotta admit gives me a few good giggles........
OK I'm off to phone the Lau Lau
Blessings be............

Dios, concédeme la serenidad para aceptar las cosas que no puedo cambiar, valor para cambiar las cosas que puedo y la sabiduría para reconocer la diferencia.
Reinhold Niebuhr
Teólogo protestante EE.UU. (1892 - 1971)

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