Monday, February 8

Photo shoot :)

Pics taken while Lau was out helping J at Cortigo de los gatos

Love my new toy :) Next few pics were taken Friday morning at sunrise

Tapas day was good with sunshine and friends - having collected Topo [novio de Africa] from the station I met up with J & A, Steve also put in an appearance, stayed out enjoying a beer and tapas until the sun went down. Despite meeting up with W & M I didn't stay out - had a good afternoon. 
Due to Jerome needing the car as his is making funny noises and needs to go into the garage , I had to cancel my dental appointment for this morning, well it was p-in it down so no big deal, I didn't want Carmen to take hers as she isn't to sure of it at the moment and Remes was also going into the garage, so have been having another catch up with the crochet, got all the black stuff done that has been asked for in the village, thank heavens I really do not enjoy working with black nor dark blue, too tough on the ole I am working on a nice simple sage green cotton summer cover up, I'm not going to do anything else for the village until I can go chat with Charro with Reme - when I went into see Charro on Friday with some of the stuff she asked for, she told me she had sold a 100 worth of goods whooppee thinks me 80 for me 20 for her - hahahahaha - she seems to have forgotten her original agreement of 80/20 suddenly gone to 60/40, if she wants to go with this then I will need to alter the prices otherwise I am working for nothing, and I don't really want to make stuff so expensive for here in the village, I will probably decided to take it out and get it down to Fuengirola....anyway will have to see what occurs
Things are still proceeding at snails pace for Norman, who doesn't seem to be improving health wise, I got the Dr.s number and tried calling several time Friday night and again on Sat before those who had given me his number suddenly remembered that he was off for a week........
A Happy Birthday to Susan Weed owner of Wise Woman Publishing - birthday greetings to Paul [H] and Reme for tomorrow xx
Blessings be ........

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