Saturday, February 13

This n that

The New Moon begins a creativity cycle for you today as it highlights your 5th House of Self-Expression. But you'll need to fight for your right to be artistic. You may even face some tough resistance, but luckily it can be overcome if you put your mind to it. The most important thing is to understand that this is a turning point and you would be wise to push for what you want.

Saturday - have been to see Diego about the car and he is on the case, had to phone garage again as I need a piece of legal documentation that confirms my car has been scrapped, guess what I am still waiting, I was told it would be emailed to me, well he has till Wednesday when I next see D.......
Also sorted things with Charro although she is sticking with the 60/40 split, so I shall take the big stuff out and put down in Fuengirola, at the mo though I have a few orders to complete along with getting things ready for summer season at Valle de Vida 
where they kindly sell my items

We had another ladies lunch at Marijkes this time - last Wednesday - stayed 5 hours!! Borrowed a book Tuesdays with Morrie Mitch Albom - oooo it's hitting all the right spots and such a simple easy to read lil book

"A teacher affects eternity; they can never tell where their influence stops" Henry Adams
What a cracking good quote and one that many a teacher should ponder..........

Tonight, despite the pouring rain once again I shall get m' arse into gear and go to Remes Bday, well her bday was Tuesday but she decided to have a party at Lorenzos, with L cooking paella for us all - looks like there will be fair few of us, so much merriment and dancing :)

Now waiting for Salvador to pop down and give N the once over, so shall get creative with the crochet

Blessings be.......

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