Saturday, April 10

Signs of new life

It's been a while - been busy completing some crochet orders, getting started on the painting, going to lunch with the ladies :) Enjoying the sunshine even when a cold wind blows over the mountain just so good not to have any more rain, but gotta say everywhere is wonderfully green and life is bringing in the  colour .......

 Early morning walk with Squidge

To every age, humanity seems on a precipice. Crisis, urgency, and catastrophe have shadowed our every imaging. Disaster, destruction, and divorce from the known have haunted our dreams. Yet with every succeeding century, there is the introduction of more light. With each additional generation, there comes the expansion of more love. Ginny M. DeAnglis

At a certain point one has to consider just how much weight of the past he or she is attempting to drag into the future, and how that weight distorts and limits the possibilities of the present. At some point we must become aware of this weight, transmute it and set it free.....anyone troubled by a recent occurrence can start by returning to it and recreating it in the light of the soul. Henry Guy

Blessings Be..........

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