Thursday, February 5

Codex Alimentarius

Codex Alimentarius, created by pharmaceutical companies and the
company which made and supplied the gas used in Auschwitz, is due to
be passed on 31st Dec 2009. If this happens, it would become
IRREVERSIBLE LAW that ALL foods would have to be sprayed with harmful
pesticides, including 7 currently banned for exceptional toxicity, and
ALL animals for food would have to be injected with growth hormones
and antibiotics that then end up in our bodies.
Codex being passed would also mean that all nutrient supplements would
be banned. This means vitamins would be illegal in the same way heroin
is illegal. This not only would effect us, but would have a disastrous
effect on developing countries. The WHO estimates THREE BILLION would
die as a direct result. Also, all natural herbs would be banned, all
alternative remedies would no longer be available...anywhere!
It would result in more ill health and cancer, so then what would the
pharmaceutical companies make? More money.
If you're thinking this is far-fetched, or you don't care and would
rather live in ignorance, then more fuel for Merck and
Below is the link with all the information. 
Petition to the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom below:

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