Thursday, February 26

Warmth and Sunshine.......

finally arriving despite very misty mornings, there will be more rains BUT for now there is heat again ahhhhhhh bliss....
Every day last week seemed to be taken up with something or going somewhere, finally got to meet Keri and Robi at Valle de Vida - what a stunning location and great folks - I have been liaising via email between Amanda and Keri for about 3 years but never actually met; then meeting with notario and hestoria - the change of escritura IS gonna cost in the region of a thou - gulp - but I said I didn't have that kinda dosh, Diego says is OK and can pay in dribs and drabs - good job too.
I have bitten the bullet though and emailed about a dozen insurance companies about the car and finally found a deal for under 200, so going for it, it will give me 12 months of freedom :) I am going up to Coin this morning with Jim to show my documents and then woo hooo really will be no stopping me, well so long as I can afford the diesel LOL.
Tomorrow off to dentist with Paul who wants a quote from Pablo for an implant that his dentist refuses to do, so I can sort out my stuff too.......
Well the blog was cut short with call from Jim saying he was ready and waiting for the off so all was accomplished as was Paul today and I get back to learn that there is a big bike rally this w/e and people are looking for places to stay - so maybe I'll get a couple of dudes in for the w/e and some pennies too boot - fingers crossed
Cor everything happens at once and of course I am out to J & A's for the week as of Sunday night - oh and gay J and I are going riding on Tuesday that should be a larf n a half
I have still to go to Alora this afternoon with Izzy to get me cat's special food so I had better make up the room while I have a couple of hours free just in case....
There is Andalucia Day on Saturday so party day - dancing on the stage at 1.30 followed by free paella, free beer and more dancing and puppet shows later on, so must remember to get everything I need to take to A & J's on Friday......

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