Thursday, March 26

All happening

OOOOO and AHHHHH Jules gave me exercises to strengthen my back and Pete did some manipulation to straighten it up and boy am I feeling it this morning and I am going back for more today as I will be unable to go tomorrow as plans were made while I was away for me to go to the Expo in Malaga, artists from the villages all go to advertise their work and village,  I knew about it but didn't think much about it as no-one had been in touch - anyway bumped into Pat yesterday and she said my place had been booked on the bus so looks like I am giong, Pat says there is a free lunch too, so guess it's gonna be a long day and a lot of crocheting.
When I drooped Marta off with Jo Inger and a couple of her friends made comments on my crochet and wanting to see some, so as they were also at the gym same time as me, when we all had finished they came back and rooted thrugh, Inger bought a hat and 2 of them want jackets too, so I certainly have plenty to keep me busy for a while.
I was going to write Frank this morning to get dates sorted for cleaning La Era as I know folks are staying sometime around Easter but waiting in my email was word from Isaabel, folks arrive the week after Semana Santa, but much to be done, so that will be 2 or 3 days taken out next week.
I finally paid the biggest chunk of my dental bill - phew - a thou down 300 to go - feels good though
Well better go hang the washing out and maybe make another "lighter holder" before heading up to the gym.......

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