Friday, March 27

Quick catch up

What a beautiful day yesterday!! Until a panic visit from Keith, Leigh was having trouble breathing, dashed round to find her sitting on the door step tryting to control her breathing, so hauled her off to the clinico at Alozaina, seems she had a bad reaction to the anti histamenes she took, so she had a shot in her BTM [giggle giggle] which proved to be rather sore!! It did the trick though, it was a scary moment for her.

I have emailed Frank - this year I am not going to work my socks off for nothing, there has to be some give and take - so I have made my position clear as I said I would. My major new moon change LOL As many had told me I had been going through this particular "experience" with every employer and it was time to make a change, especially as I had been lecturing Jamie on not to let his employer take advantage of him, the more you do the more they expect and saying that they are friends does not make it OK, so J I have kept my part in the pact, now you have to do the same - Sa can you pass this onto him xx

[ps - I forgot that one of the most powerful influences at this time is Jupiter quincunx Saturn. This is forcing major adjustments between the attainable ideal and the practical realities, with productivity possible despite the gear grind. It's rapidly moving into a triseptile, which will trigger the Grand Irrationality. I'll write more on that in the near future.aquarius papers]

Now I must finish off getting everything together before meeting Pat and getting the bus down to Malaga, another new adventure........ 

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