and brrrrrr it was cold today even though the sky was blue, even lit a fire this evening, also been some storms around the mountains, I dedicated today to crochet and didn't hear the rain and it wasn't until I went upstairs to bring in the washing and looked out to see a beautifully vivid rainbow and although we were cloudy it was so clear looking down on the pueblos in the valley and the sea at Malaga was sparkling on the horizon........
Yesterday started cloudy and then cleared by the time I met up with Amanda and Julio to go up to Steve's for lunch, he lives in the village on the mountain in front of us with a name bigger than the village itself and it's quite a drive up there, but what a stunning spot with a perfect view of Casarabonela, we sat out enjoying the sun until the storm clouds rolled in from Yunquera direction, but great nosh and it was Steve's birthday, kept that quiet!!
Friday was a laugh - met up with Pat and headed down to the arch to catch the bus, which is a biggie and there were many of the villagers also waiting to board, they were going just to look around, there was one other crocheter - a Spanish lady who does the most exsquisite intricate lace like crochet, so off we go to the Palicio de Feries - a very modern purpose built exhibition centre, but we couldn't get in, then we were told to go round the back to the ""trader's" entrance so off we go, only to be told by the policeman that we couldn't go in as we didn't have a ticket, so back round to the front to find our group, asked lady from local townhall if she could call Tanya, who apparently was already inside, no don't ask, anyway eventually we get in and find our spot and get our stuff put out on display whereupon hoards of Spanish grannies descended and it looked like a jumble sale, this happened several times lOL, anyway we sold some stuff, there were cameras everywhere, and a TV crew filming, I just kept my head down and thing we know is that we are being told to pack up and get out to the bus we were being taken to lunch, apparently it is all laid on by the Malaga "council" and buses are laid on for folks to go from all the villages in the area and then fed, nice food to and a bottle of wine on each table, very civilised :) even if it was a bit chaotic when we first arrived and we had to queue, like being back at school, then let in for our food a few at a time, so everything was way behind time wise, but hell we would be daft to expect any different in Andalucia....... then back on the bus and home, was knackered........
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