Wednesday, April 1

Live NOW what others will live in the future - P.Coelho

"The wise man lives as long as he should, not as long as he can" Seneca.

"You came here because you saw a female face in the flames. That face is the face you now see in the mirror, so try and honour it. Don't let yourself be weighed down by what other people think, because in a few years, in a few decades or in a few centuries, hat way of thinking will have changed. Live NOW what others will live in the future" Paulo Coelho

Even if you are on the right track, you'll get run over if you sit there - Will Rogers

I know the full moon was last Thursday but couldn't resist adding this, certainly in keeping with my actions at the end of last week LOL

Aries really highlights the
balance between the need to assert ourselves and its shadow's desire
for this is what is presently up for review. If you're
feeling a need to set up clear boundaries with others, claim your due
and command that your needs be met, the energy of this new moon will
definitely support you here. But tempering a balance is key since it
will be rather easy to cross that thin line from personal empowerment to power-over others if we are not careful.
Balancing out these
Equal-notical energies with applied discipline will serve us well as we
begin to live consistently from a place of truth and with the courage
to be in our integrity at all times. And this may be challenging right
now, but the lesson is clear...stand up for what you stand for.
Give ultimatums if necessary, and accept nothing less than what you truly desire.This courageous choice is what will set the precedent for our new lives as we begin to attract new realities to support these new intentions.
So say your so-longs and farewells to the illusion of powerlessness,
another layer of a life outworn, and be sure to nurture your self thru this MAJOR and exciting transition.

[think with your heart]

Just collected some words LOL - too busy crocheting - busy busy busy - Artesana market on Saturday as is the tabletop, Oasis really should make their tabletop the 3rd week of the month as the Artesana is always the 1st, hoping the sun shines!!

Decided I needed some kinda discipline/focus for meditation so following a 12 day "programme" - it follows the same idea as the Arcane School in giving you a seed thought for the day, 12 days didn't seem too daunting and stickable to :)

Keith's birthday tomorrow and I was asked to join them and Jo & Terry for a drink earlier, mmmmmm, well just took the dog out and they are still going strong.......and Leigh has just called by for some pasta as now they need to eat [ 10.05pm] - they are having fun but I am glad I stayed here - had cuddles with the Stinkers, who is not his usual fat cat self, debating whether to call the vet tomorrow and get him to call by and take a look, he has lost a lot of weight, probably coz he isn't gorging himself - could be a bad tooth.

Had a message from an Hungarian couple [hospitality club] coming to visit the area, a message from them today said they were prepared to work, like paint in return for bed and board, well that could be very handy for me - thanks to the Universe :)

Now all I need is to get to grips with is getting a camera and or phone/camera that works with my pc as I have to get pics updated on Crochet Crook, especailly the new jackets, this is becoming a priority as someone has some good contacts, but I don't want to send the link till it is properly updated.

Well time for me to hit the sack......zzzzzzzzz

Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there - Will Rogers

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