Saturday, March 21

Growing again......

Personal Daily Horoscope of Saturday,
21 March 2009
for Harlee, born 19 October 1955
Balance and serenity

This is a time of inner peace and balance.
You have the serenity to look into yourself
and come to a deeper understanding of
what you want, what you need and how
you should go about getting it. You try
to live through your feelings as well as your
intellect, and you communicate with others at
both levels.
 Since you understand
your own
moods and
so well
you are also
in a good position
to assist others in understanding themselves. Through your relationships, particularly
those with your partner,
you will come to know yourself better than
at most other times. Since this is a time of balance and equilibrium, you should study your personal life and find out how to correct any misunderstandings and difficulties with other people.
Today you are able to make the compromises necessary to getting along with others.

Yes I feel a great shift going on within, it feels good
and that can get guilt poking it's nose in, but am working
through that one. I had such a fabby time in Scotland,
first time in 7 years where I have had J & Lau together,
Lau went out and helped J on the farm - watching the 2
of them together brought a few lumps to the throat -
weather was great, wonderful banter {chat} - saw folks
I didn't see in November although bit sad I didn't get
to see a few others, but it was quite full on and no
minutes to spare, got several orders for my jackets
and Rose gave me some cracking ideas
for festie gear so looks like I am going to be a busy
bunny and will have to stay focussed, which is good :)
As always time with Sa can't be anything other than fun
times also had good times with Maria in Ed and yep I
got my butterfly tattoo, between the shoulder blades,
8 colours - will get a pic up soon, great tattoist Asylum
all female think I could be back
for a fairy, we ended up exchanging emails and maybe
they will pop over here some time.
Yes for sure my whole experience this time was very
uplifting - big thank yous to everyone
Had a lovely few hours with Sammy and Gregor, he is
gonna be a tall one and beautiful young lad, just good
to spend time with them, Sammy has a very gentle energy
Next Trip? Hoping May for the folk festival in Moniaive
Talking of Moniaive we went to see Alice in Wonderland
on the Friday evening, amazing talent in such a wee village
and wonderful to see young and old all having fun together,
nothing like the media would have us believe, yes Moniaive
is still Magikal and Casarabonela could take a leaf out of
it's books in how to promote itself without the need of
big business

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