Sunday, April 26


Yes it was painful, but still very very happy with the result :)

Well this new moon is the mid point of the 3 highest [spiritual] energetic times in the year so I hope that are all consciously creating good stuff, no worries, no fears!! I finally made contact with Mareka on Friday morning and we are to meet for coffee on Monday after I have finished at the gym, a lady who has studied Alice Bailey, Del was my only other to chat of this stuff, she also claims to be clairaudient, I am intrigued, also a psychoanalist who had a large practice in Holland, she is 68 and looks about 48, she has appeared here and know I can't ignore LOL

As mentioned in other articles, the cluster of all the planets except Saturn is focusing things in the areas of our charts where it is located. Wherever transiting Saturn is in our charts is where we are learning a joyous rigor of learning and practicing a skill or two.

As Saturn is still retrograde, it continues to be a time of reviewing and refining, as well as continuing to learn a "venerable standard" we are learning to feel and uphold as part of our destiny. Everything that's happening, whether on a personal, interpersonal, or transpersonal level, is doing this Saturn in Virgo retrograde experiential practicum.

A reminder: This is still challenging our ability to deal with the long wave ongoing Saturn opposition Uranus. Though 10+ degrees apart and getting wider, it's still a very powerful pattern that is revolutionizing our lives and forcing us to adjust, learn, practice, and be very realistic in training for something that is to come. We can build a new interactive yet protected existence if we can do needed adjustments, conform to a plan, and do whatever it takes to live the higher standard we believe is worthy.

A New Moon sets the seed forms for what the following 4 weeks will demonstrate. This Lunation is in Taurus, and is the seed for the lessons of the coming Wesak Festival, the second of the "3 High Moons" of Spring each year. You can find out more about the Wesak in various articles on this site.

This New Moon in Taurus falls at 6 degrees, a point of bridge building, cooperation, and a natural effort to "bridge a chasm" that we are told is part of the landscape of evolution. We should be able to "conquer difficulties and limitations by intelligence," and solve problems by joining our skills with others.

Of course, with Venus and Mars in early Aries, it will echo the promise of last month's New Moon in Aries. That Lunation began a knowledge and enjoyment of a life renewal, a sense of newness and expanding possibilities. It fell at 7 Aries, a degree of finding a good life on multiple levels of existence, versatility and expansion. We've all been finding new experiences in emotional, social, or cultural initiatives.

That began the theme of humor leading us to objectivity, and taking a new look at what we like and why we like it, what we believe is beautiful and what we truly value can bring us insights from prior times. That should continue to be set into motion by Venus and Mars in the next few weeks. This is about preparing for new responsibilities and efforts in a new world of experience.

This is the substantiation phase of what has begun to emerge from an old way of life. The only frictional aspect is from Mercury to the Jupiter conjunct Chiron and Neptune Aquarius cluster. This shows the release pattern for all of the favorable building and specializing aspects mentioned earlier. The void is thrown into Leo and Scorpio, so show heart and love as you continue to eliminate and regenerate whatever you need to.

Get clear about the roles you're playing, and open to an inner knowing of others' subconscious if you must get something across. Do not indulge put downs or undermining speech or behavior, and give voice to what is unclear without exaggeration. We can find geniune dispassion in ways that will allow us to pick up and deliver a higher power in the near future, even while experiencing subtle feelings that link us across generations with other seekers of the highest.

Be efficient, adapt as needed while stabilizing the bridging process, and see the "Spiritual linkage through emotional stress" that has been bringing you blessings after the death of useless things. Concentrate, transform using magnetism skillfully, see the dawning of a new day as you experience it in the NOW, and grow through communing with the Spirits of your ancestors, whether physical or Spiritual.

© Copyright 2009 Robert Wilkinson

As everyone is going to be dispersing for the next mnonth, Keith is back to the uK for a month to work, Amanda is back to work, I am back for 4 days in a couple of weeks and when I get back Leigh goes back for a week, so decided to have everyone round for food last night, and then down to Lorenzo's and keep the music going, Julio and Keith had their guitars and Zoe brought her violin, Leigh n I share the shaker LOL and Lorenzo brought his drum out and Leigh tells me we left at 5 this morning, but I have no hangover coz I was sensible and stayed away from the wine, just a bit fuzzy from no sleep - it was a good night it was a happy night

Well I want to upload some pics to Crochet Crook as Leigh finally got the lead to the camera she borrowed from her mother, especially for the Artesana Market last month and I will endeavour to get some more pics of stuff tomorrow, while I have the camera with me :)

Love to everyone, lift the spirit smell the blossom [here it orange blossom at the moment boooooootiful]

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