Wishing you all a very special day/night :)
Yes I have been very quiet for several weeks now, I did hit another low patch, but as always come through the other side a bit wiser - tis the way of life LOL. I am quietly optimistic and ultimately it lies in my hands. Triangles are forming - one of which will be a meditation group, something that has been sadly lacking in my life. I am seeing where my strengths lie and how I am of service to others, not so much on a material/physical - as in my nature I like to work on the more subtle realms, but, being human I like "proof" that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing - and this has come my way in the past week, out of the blue, so I believe it to be true!
Monday Laura comes to stay for a week - it's a long time since it was just her and me on our own and I am looking forward to it enormously :) Then there will be work at La Era phew!
This aftenoon/evening the first summer storm, warm rain and amazing earthy smells that make you want to inhale deeply.
Speak to J Lau and Sarah, think J and Alexa will come over in the autumn, Lau excited about being her next week - life seems to be flowing for everyone.........it is excepted that I need to stay put for a while - thank you to those who were prepared to enable another jaunt back if I wanted - but I need to stay put and keep my focus for the foreseeable future.............things are developing and the cat is sitting on my mouse - radio 6 is playing some cool music, so maybe it is time for me to finish.
Keep with the meditation...........ask and you will be given the answers if you are looking for them xx
Yes I have been very quiet for several weeks now, I did hit another low patch, but as always come through the other side a bit wiser - tis the way of life LOL. I am quietly optimistic and ultimately it lies in my hands. Triangles are forming - one of which will be a meditation group, something that has been sadly lacking in my life. I am seeing where my strengths lie and how I am of service to others, not so much on a material/physical - as in my nature I like to work on the more subtle realms, but, being human I like "proof" that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing - and this has come my way in the past week, out of the blue, so I believe it to be true!
Monday Laura comes to stay for a week - it's a long time since it was just her and me on our own and I am looking forward to it enormously :) Then there will be work at La Era phew!
This aftenoon/evening the first summer storm, warm rain and amazing earthy smells that make you want to inhale deeply.
Speak to J Lau and Sarah, think J and Alexa will come over in the autumn, Lau excited about being her next week - life seems to be flowing for everyone.........it is excepted that I need to stay put for a while - thank you to those who were prepared to enable another jaunt back if I wanted - but I need to stay put and keep my focus for the foreseeable future.............things are developing and the cat is sitting on my mouse - radio 6 is playing some cool music, so maybe it is time for me to finish.
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