Had a fantabidosis time with Lau last week, having collected her from the station we headed back to the pueblo where Remi was waiting to follow us out to Roma's whereupon she prepared and cooked us a wonderful paella and then we all chilled on the terrace gazing at the mountains, then Lau and I popped into see J & A on the way home as it A was off to work for a week on the Tuesday and wanted to see Lau, then home and up to Bar Neuvo for a nightcap. Tuesday was chill day,although we did go to gym first thing then just sitting chatting/reminiscing and Are We Human came on the radio, Del was with us[bit of a gulp moment]and then up to the pool for the afternoon, fun n frolics n lots of people watching. Quiet evening as after gym on Wed we got the train to Malaga and found a beach with a nice chiringito. Yes a lovely time just being with Lau. We left the beach in time to wander back to station and have a peek at the shops.....mmmmmm.....Lau had a Bershka moment and we got to the platform just as the train began to move - hey ho - next train at 8.45, so another trundle around the Larius centre a vinto tinto and tapas in a pavement café and got back to station in plenty of time, home to see poor Squidge and then up to L E as I had promised to water the grass and put more tablets in the pool filter, so it was 11 by the time we eventually got home - a couple of galsses of wine to wind down and bed pheeeeew.I woke on Thurs morn to hear poor Lau retching, so a home day on the cards and me playing Mummy ahhhhh nice for me but not so for Lau, we thought it was either sun wine or sardines, but on the radio they were going on about a tummy bug doing the rounds and apparently the same here, so when on Friday she wasn't feeling any better we knew it was the bug, so another quiet day being Mum.
Zoe took us to the airport Sat morn and a bittersweet farewell. As Zalea was closed on our run home we stopped at El Caseron for a coffee and cola coa, when who should drop by but Christine and Wendy, so we sat and chatted a while, Z has been feeling a bit out of sorts of late and the company was raising her spirits, so when Wendy suggested meeting up later when Mark had finished work we said "why not?" mmmmmmmmmm..... we met up at Bar Parada 'bout lunchtimeish - Maria's wedding day, so we had lots to watch, now I am not the kind to cry at weddings -- but I ended up being a blubber puss, Del always ahd a soft spot for Maria and we used to go to her casa for Spanish lessons when we first arrived in the village....anyway I will let the pics tell the story....
Pedro & son above and to the right Zoe Wendy Loli in the background and me
Below the beautiful Maria
The Wandering Minstrels kept us amused for a good couple of hours and much amused others with their rendition of Lily Marlain, they only knew a few of the words, I have never been serenaded before.....finally having consumed much vino they headed off for the weding party being held elsewhere in the village

Nearly forgot this one - even Z can't remember this bit....... :)
I forgot to add that on the Wed morn I played the cd that Zoe had left - the one that Ed made from the tape I found of Sun of a Drum at Knockengorrach, which I put on, there is a lot of Del on it, making comments as well as performing - I have become accustomed to listening to him now, but for Lau it was the first time so quite a release for her as she had a good cry, but she didn't want me to switch it off.
So now apart from work at L.E. I need to catch up on my crochet, it is too hot to be outside so quiet afternoons keeping cool indoors with the radio and my crochet talking of which I just got a photo from Alyne of Su & I at Folked at Moniaive of us "modelling" our jackets [yep wellies n all]
Sarah do you remember grabbing the madsnapper
Ah well I guess that's me all caught up for a while, better start crochet.........love n hugs to everyone xx
Finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it finally disappears.
- Robert W. Sarnoff
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