a msg from Lau feeling confuzzled - be good to chat - mmmmmmm - well I know from brief look on FB that she had a fabby time at the Wickerman, but nadir to me :( hey ho that's the way it goes, life must have brightened up for her......
Paul arrives tomorrow for a week, it will good to be able to talk to him face to face - hear of his travels and future plans etc.......I have a chance to speak to a lawyer so will take Paul along so he can hear the reality of the legalities and then he can relay it to Sam properly and then get everything finalised once and for all.
Still slogging at L.E but have paid my final installment to Pablo wooooo hooooooo and phew, one major headache out the way
Been and signed on so now I am on the books, all bits of paper duly handed in to the ayunmiento, so now just wait and hope fingers X'd.............
Now I must find the impetus to get this place semi sorted make up a bed for Paul etc etc etc
Short n sweet this time not a lot of time for sitting although there is much to observe but for now not to be spoken of in public - big but subtle changes occurring individually rippling out into the collective........interesting.......times I have had for a chat with friends has been very fizzyloftical!!!! Observational and despite the occasional SCREAM of WHY Del? I sense a greater calm settling on me - bizarre.........xx
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