A fab feria was had by all this year, and certainly a different experience for Paul, especially as he arrived after a few days at Samye Ling, sublime to ridiculous comes to mind. Starting on the Thursday night with a great bunch of local lads, which included Zoe's eldest and youngest, OK the sound guy could have been a lot better, but their enthusiasm and kinda punky sound was good. Thursday and Friday we retired at 4, 7 on Sat, and 4 again on Sunday, Monday was Marta Moon's 4th birthday, so Glenys invited us all for a BBQ, Zoe made a very pinkly iced cake and a gentle evening of music and chat with the little one being the centre of attraction and we all started to get our bodies back to normal living, sleeping at night :)
Tuesday Paul and I bombed over to Coin quite early to see a solicitor to get everything explained clearly as to what is required blah blah - lovely guy and came away feeling a lot lighter bout all that stuff. I did offer to take P up to the lakes in the afternoon but he declined in order to go to the pool with a certain lady. He and I went and ate at Pedro's and had a quiet night - at last.
Yesterday morning was work for me so the afternoon was chill time, P & friend spent most of the day together until she was called away. He and I werew going to eat up at Bar Nuevo and watch the sun go down and the full moon rising, sadly it was closed so we popped down to Lorenzo's to get some nosh and was joined by friend.......and learned that Friday night is Lorenzo's after feria party, where he cooks all the left over food he bought in for the feria and gives it away.......music will occur......so P has changed his plans and is now leaving Sat morning rather than Friday......not just coz of free food, he wants another opportunity to jam with Julio, connections with his Pa!! Can't be a late night for me as it is a fast change over at L.E. on Saturday :( Also last night someone asked me for my number as they might need me to help out now and then and today another call about more work all looking good.
Took Paul out to see Julio and Amanda this morning and they have asked me to house/dog/cat sit over Xmas, as there is much happening this year back in the UK that even J is making the effort, another daughter is getting married, A's parents celebrate 50 years of marriage and her Pa is 70, so much to celebrate.........
"All severing of links produces severe reactions. Yet if youu could but realise it, the severing of outer physical plane links is the least severe and the most impermanent of all such events. Death itself is part of the great illusion and only exists because of the veils which we have gathered around ourselves. You, as a worker in the field of glamour [which is the new field in which humanity has consciously to work], have been deeply honoured and trusted. Death comes to all, but not for you should there be the usual glamours and distresses. I would say to you my brother, look not back at the past. In that direction lies glamour and distress. It is the line of least resistance for the majority. But such is not the way for you. Look not either to revelation or the imparted illusory comfort of those who hover on the dividing line between the seen and the unseen. That way is not the way for you. You are not a distressed and bereaved disciple looking anxiously at the seperating veil and hoping to see some sign to come through which will convince you that all is well........Reach up to the heights of the soul and, having sought and found the pinnacle of peace and that altitude of joy whereon your soul immovably stands, and then look onto the world of living humans - a threefold world in which all humanity, incarnate and disincarnate are found. Find there that which your soul can and will recognise. The glamours of one's own distress, the maya of the past distorts one's point of view. Only the soul stands clear from illusion, and only the soul sees things as they are........force of circumstances has driven you to live much upon the astral plane for the past few months in an emotional vortex. Mount up, my brother, into the light and into renewed power and detachment. Find surcease.......in the task of aiding others." [taken from Discipleship in the new age I Alice Bailey]
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