As I've written in other articles, during a Mercury retrograde
period we all know we're NOT supposed to sign contracts, make purchases
of electronics, make major moves or decisions, and are supposed to hang
out with the energies, seeing that things may not be as they appear,
and so on. That said, there are many things that a Mercury retrograde
period is good for, such as traveling. I have found that as long as one
is flexible, retrograde travel is actually a good thing.
Also favored are research, reflection, review, rehearsals, and
returns from the past. It's also a great time for reconnecting with old
friends, finding people and things thought lost, It's a great time to
explore possibilities, as long as no definitive decisions are made,
since they are usually modified or reversed later on.
It's a good time for doing things left undone, or neglected, from
previous times. It's good for resuming something from the past, as long
as you remember that it may not look like it used to, or requires a
different approach than before. It's also good for doing things that
fill in gaps in understanding or activity, or for doing things that
seem to go in one direction but lead you to entirely new information
and understanding.
It's a good time for resuming things begun in previous retrograde
periods, or for picking up threads that had to be set aside while other
things developed. It usually indicates a time when you need to be able
to build in a time lag with whatever you're doing, since retrogrades
often show that there are things yet to develop that will ultimately
fill in whatever is missing in the present.
Monday was Peace day, yesterday was the equinox {Venus rules the Sun at the Autumnal Equinox. At 3 Virgo, we see there will be some heavy "guardian angel" action this Autumn, as well as inner powers coming forth. Venus semisquare Mars indicates emergent interpersonal friction, as neither is in a sign it does well in. Both are in the signs of their "Fall," showing least growth potential. Stay focused and don't get deflected by distractions. I can't really go into much more detail, as it's just too much information.Overall, the next 3 months are a time of continued polarizations unveiling hidden things that can lead to cathartic experiences where we can purify our personalities so our Higher Self can again shine forth. It's a time to learn, to discipline our mind and speech, and finish up our training preparing to do a larger spiritual work in our world. Many will reveal unsuspected powers latent within, and appreciation will go a long way in unlocking creative potentials as well as the ability to maintain what is good in our inner life.
Autumn symbolizes the harvest, where we move into expanded relationships and social interactions. We can find new ideals, new sense of proportion, and new perspective offering a more balanced way of seeing, relating, or doing. The Moon puts a focus on our ability to transmute the lesser into the greater, the animal into the (super)natural. Be alert to people and situations where there is "undisciplined escapism" or distorted attitudes.} - I am counting my blessings and giving thanks - after last week's storms the weather has changed back - the sun is beaming down on us once again, the car got a great natural wash last week!!
Leigh n Keith arrived back last night, so I guess Barbara dog will be leaving today, she has been a good soul and I have enjoyed our early morning walks/meditations, as the sun rises over the mountain, the bats are "radaring" their way home before the birds start their rallying calls to herald a new day, now is the time when the mist lies in the valleys giving a fantastical quality to the views. No clouds on the horizon - well maybe one little one LOL after a year endessa have finally done the rounds and read the meter, ooo er - ah well just another exercise in not worrying/thinking the worst/going into mad panic. Also despite my efforts to secure birth certs I find I can't order mine as they don't take visa, so a wee job for Lau when she returns from hols and I am still awaiting response about Del's and so still I cannot move forward with legalities, sometimes it feels like I am shackled to the spot....
Thanks to everyone who has sent me messages, I do appreciate them and I will be in touch properly very soon.....none of you are forgotten xxxxx

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