New beginnings......this is the day D & I would have celebrated, remembering the fire festivals/parties in Scotland - big bonfires - sparklers - mulled wine - lots of lovely food etc etc....
Ah well a day of happy memories, sitting in the sun, the cold and dank has left us and the days break with clear sky and bright sun with warmth.....which is what I need today to sit and soak up the sun as I have a stinking cold all week and have felt lousy....(phone just bleeped and there is a text from Gerb and hisDebs wishing me a happy solstice ahhhhh made me cry)......Frank kept chopping and changing about times for me to go up, eventually Jo and I went up Thursday morning and got beds made and other odds and sods done, making beds with a streaming cold is not easy....and in the evening I met up with Zoe as she was teaching Pedrito down at Bar parada, I needed to eat something "proper" and Loli's plain and simple fish n chips (real potato chips fried in olive and sunflower oil scrummeeeee)but I can't quite get myself to go on my own. Friday was chocka blok with peeps first off Amanda n Julio came down, Jo N Dave are now going out to them for Christmas so they will take me out with them, goodie as I wasn't looking forward to taking Cecil out there just yet, also the asked if I wanted to go to Alora with them on Monday, then I met up with Jules and Mariki (I' m sure that's not the correct spelling) for coffee and M handed me a big carrier bag saying she hoped I wouldn't be offended (I shrug me offended) in it was a scrummy selection of organic/veggie goodies, so instead of having a tapas somewhere I came back and pigged on muesili and tofu paté, OK OK might not sound that great to you but these things are a treat for me......I bought a piece of white fish and was going to cook it up in the evening but as Jo and the girls came round - we got chatting over a glass of wine dreaming up ideas for a stall, also asked her what she thought of the cards I pulled a few days earlier Prince of Swords 9 of Swords and the Sun in that order, she was surprised at the Prince, I know when I pulled them I sat and howled for a wee while, hey ho whaddya think Sarah? answers on a postcard please :)
Pete kindle checked out Cecil for me and all is well needs a bit of oil and 2 new tyres and a decent run out once a week, I was going to go out early this morning with the dogs up to Venta Carmen and give them a gallop in the woods, but feeling too shattered need to eat and rest today.
The table top at El Oasis was good and I think everyone sold stuff, so that will be another monthly date for me, looks like I will have 2 markets in the village and 2 in Coin each month, Iris was telling me she knows of a warehouse down on the coast to get the yarns and next time she goes she'll let me know, woo hoo, now that will be fun shopping....
Dave also called by to check the heat/aircon unit as I thought it wasn't working - duh - when it gets very cold it takes longer to kick in and as last week really was bitterly cold - Scottish cold - never known it sooooooo bitter here.
So much for a quiet day what with Texts from Gerb at 8 and Jo phoning to check I am up n about at 9 coz she needs to collect her box of jewelry (I had it for the table top yesterday as she was taking Elise up to meet her Dad) and now the sun is high in the sky and beckoning me, so no more rabbiting for now - a bowl of muelsi and another mug of hot water juice of half a limon and a spoonful of honey and onto the terrace with my book Seb Faulks Engleby......I know I shall have to go out later as Glynis arrived late last night and will want to meet up at some point today.
Brightest Blessings to everyone on this Solstice, the days will now growing longer and thoughts turn to planning what is to be planted............
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