Saturday, December 27

Widows Twanky Merry and Black

The very purpose of existence is to reconcile the glowing opinion we have of ourselves with the appalling things that other people think about us.
  - Quentin Crisp

Well that explains my relati0onship with my mother for sure, I spoke to her on Christmas day and she was full of what she had etc but had no interest in hearing of my day - seems she now adores my son who visited her on Boxing day - amazing lady after not seeing him for at least 16 years she loves him and yet she says she has disliked my daughter from the day she was born - and it is me who is the crazy one?????  Well I guess I should be pleased for J and I am, although a part of me is hurting, but that could be more down to low emotional state at the mo, not being well. I got up on Saturday with every intention of blogging and catching up with stuff and in half an hour I felt exhausted and lay down on the sofa and literally drifted in and out of sleep state for the rest of the day, managed to see to animals in evening and head for bed where I spent all day Sunday, apart from getting up to let animals out and feed them and I finally got up at around midday today, but was asleep again most of the afternoon - everything is such an effort and I have a hacking cough that I haven't had for many years along with going hot & cold like a demented thermostat I am a sorry state :(
But not as sorry as poor Jo the dogs have been missing now since Saturday morning and she is understandably beside herself - the weather turned very wild on Saturday night the rain and wind woke me at around 2 and it didn't subside all Sunday and although the rain has calmed we are still in a white world of complete cloud coverage.
Anyway where are my manners how was your Christmas folks full of fun love & laughter I hope, I had a very chilled day out at Amanda & Julio's with Dave, Jo and Steve, the sun was shining and we ate in the courtyard, Jo & Dave left early evening as they were expecting a call - I didn't fancy goiug home to an evening on my own so stayed and played cards around a big log fire and Steve dropped me off on his way home at about 1ish.
Boxing Day and Jason & Colin came up and took me out to lunch and got me laughing, it was a lovely afternoon bt as always when I have spent time with folks & then go home suddenly I feel very lonely and don't know what to do as it happens Zoe (sorry Z I will work out how to put those bloody dots above your e one day) came round and shared wine & chocccies & chat........
I had a bit of a fall from grace on the Tuesday when I met up with a few folks down at Bar Parada as pre-arranged, I wasn't feeling in a particularly social & really didn't want to end u tipsy, so stuck to beer, then Peddie got a call saying his sister was in hospital so he wanted to close, so as Lorenzo was closed we ound ourselves in Bar Neuvvo where toffee vodka was being dished out -- that is now a banned drink as far as I am concerned, never again!!!!!! What with one fella saying he loved me and an 18/20 year old walking me home, {not that I asked him} thank heavens Jo realised and came after me and frightened him off{probably LOL} Do they have no respect??
I shall probably pass on new years eve for a variety of reasons and stay at home snuggled up with my furry fourlegged friends, it is just another man made celebration that has little meaning for me as the new year was the 21st for me
I must finish this while I still have some energy left as I have promised to make a poster up for Jo & Dave
Wishing you all a great New Year {well just coz I play humbug I appreciate it means a lot to others} and may 2009 bring you health wealth & wisdom inj abundance

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