Sunday, September 27

Look on the right side of life........

The rains have returned - didn't get light till nearly 8:15 this morning, as my sleep patterns have all gone awry again I have been up since well before dawn, printing out another 10 copies of Amanda's Recipe book - reading stuff online - sent a card for 
Rowan Berry's Bday.
Spoke to La yesterday who is just back from her Bulgarian holiday, which from 

what I can gather was an experience!! She is feeling a little weepy as she looks 
back on this time last year - the Sunday was when we both went as per usual in the 
morning to be told Del wasn't gonna make it and everything was to be turned off
and so we sat and waited and waited.......although I feel great sadness as I remember,
I feel quite distanced - not quite here [no more than usual folks] - I am "content" to 

be by myself - lost in thoughts allowing them to wash over/though me - observing - 
not holding - just doing what feels right for me - I know I don't want to have folks 
trying to take my mind of it, Bless 'em for their kindness and thoughts - but my mind wants/needs to see it through, it is not healthy to try and avoid this process.......
This past year seems to have flown by and I am not sure what I have done or 

achieved - on reflection much of it is a blur - what will this new one bring??

Hey I forgot to mention that Anne who stayed a couple of weeks ago was a massage therapist to Lorna - small world and quite a bizarre connection in the greater scheme 

of things

Hahaha should see the walking wounded, Leigh is still hobbling with her back and Keith 

fell out of a tree and has broken his elbow joint and they are moving house, some folks don't like to make life easy LOL

These quiet days mean I get a lot more crochet done and have now completed a new 

Joseph Jacket, a snuggly red "christmas" shrug and a joseph jacket for a toddler, 
yes I know photos would be good, but I am still waiting for pics others have taken to
be sent to me, so have given up asking others to help on that score - oh I know they 
meant well and are full of good intentions, but life takes over and it gets forgotten.......

A bit of star gazing :)
and we're now in the heart of the storm indicated by 
 Saturn opposition Uranus. Just remember that we 
also have the Sun with Mercury retrograde in late 
Virgo offering their influences as well. This makes 
for a very complex gestalt, one of high tension, but
also great for illumination through seeing and 
understanding things from many different angle
of vision. All of September into early October will 
be under this tension. Many polarizations will become
evident.[mmmmm have noticed some of them xx]
  Many oppositional situations will manifest. It's a 
major face-off between the visible and invisible 
Law and Order, both higher and lower.This is an 

opposition between structure and revolution, a
lower law versus Higher Law, fear facing freedom,
or tradition, resistance and/or fear confronting genius.
It is experience patiently blocking willful folly, studied
reserve facing impetuousness, understanding countering
lawlessness. There are ten thousand more ways this can
express, so use your understanding of what Saturn and 
Uranus symbolize to see how it may be happening in
your world.
For Del

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Wednesday, September 23

A year flies by.......

Thursday and Friday were the hardest days - not sure how the 29th will feel when the time comes, but thus far it was the memories of the Thursday and Friday of last year which brought up much emotion, I am aware of how this has had to be done alone, Laura in Bulgaria, J in Ireland and all those other special beings in my life are doing their own thing in their own places - Friday was the worst as that was when D went into intensive and I remember how affected I was - I guess looking back he died then really, last year I was ever hopeful he would pull through, this year I know different........

As I've written in other articles, during a Mercury retrograde
period we all know we're NOT supposed to sign contracts, make purchases
of electronics, make major moves or decisions, and are supposed to hang
out with the energies, seeing that things may not be as they appear,
and so on. That said, there are many things that a Mercury retrograde
period is good for, such as traveling. I have found that as long as one
is flexible, retrograde travel is actually a good thing.

Also favored are research, reflection, review, rehearsals, and
returns from the past. It's also a great time for reconnecting with old
friends, finding people and things thought lost, It's a great time to
explore possibilities, as long as no definitive decisions are made,
since they are usually modified or reversed later on.

It's a good time for doing things left undone, or neglected, from
previous times. It's good for resuming something from the past, as long
as you remember that it may not look like it used to, or requires a
different approach than before. It's also good for doing things that
fill in gaps in understanding or activity, or for doing things that
seem to go in one direction but lead you to entirely new information
and understanding.

It's a good time for resuming things begun in previous retrograde
periods, or for picking up threads that had to be set aside while other
things developed. It usually indicates a time when you need to be able
to build in a time lag with whatever you're doing, since retrogrades
often show that there are things yet to develop that will ultimately
fill in whatever is missing in the present.

Monday was Peace day, yesterday was the equinox {Venus rules the Sun at the Autumnal Equinox. At 3 Virgo, we see there will be some heavy "guardian angel" action this Autumn, as well as inner powers coming forth. Venus semisquare Mars indicates emergent interpersonal friction, as neither is in a sign it does well in. Both are in the signs of their "Fall," showing least growth potential. Stay focused and don't get deflected by distractions. I can't really go into much more detail, as it's just too much information.Overall, the next 3 months are a time of continued polarizations unveiling hidden things that can lead to cathartic experiences where we can purify our personalities so our Higher Self can again shine forth. It's a time to learn, to discipline our mind and speech, and finish up our training preparing to do a larger spiritual work in our world. Many will reveal unsuspected powers latent within, and appreciation will go a long way in unlocking creative potentials as well as the ability to maintain what is good in our inner life.
Autumn symbolizes the harvest, where we move into expanded relationships and social interactions. We can find new ideals, new sense of proportion, and new perspective offering a more balanced way of seeing, relating, or doing. The Moon puts a focus on our ability to transmute the lesser into the greater, the animal into the (super)natural. Be alert to people and situations where there is "undisciplined escapism" or distorted attitudes.}
- I am counting my blessings and giving thanks - after last week's storms the weather has changed back - the sun is beaming down on us once again, the car got a great natural wash last week!! 
Leigh n Keith arrived back last night, so I guess Barbara dog will be leaving today, she has been a good soul and I have enjoyed our early morning walks/meditations, as the sun rises over the mountain, the bats are "radaring" their way home before the birds start their rallying calls to herald a new day, now is the time when the mist lies in the valleys giving a fantastical quality to the views. No clouds on the horizon - well maybe one little one LOL after a year endessa have finally done the rounds and read the meter, ooo er - ah well just another exercise in not worrying/thinking the worst/going into mad panic. Also despite my efforts to secure birth certs I find I can't order mine as they don't take visa, so a wee job for Lau when she returns from hols and I am still awaiting response about Del's and so still I cannot move forward with legalities, sometimes it feels like I am shackled to the spot....

Thanks to everyone who has sent me messages, I do appreciate them and I will be in touch properly very soon.....none of you are forgotten xxxxx

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Thursday, September 17

Getting back in the groove!!

Well after what seems like a continual stream of visitors for the past few weeks, some of which I perceived to be good and some not feels strange to be alone in the house once again and trying to focus on work and moving forwards, also catching up with friends......some of whom seem to be invoking some strong lessons - we all know that life is simple but knowing it and living it can be easier said than done, some quirk in our human nature wants to complicate everything - resulting in what can seem like a punch to the solar plexus, leaving us winded and temporarily wounded, which leads us to time to reflect and do some "honest" thinking about ourselves, relationships and changes required within ourselves.  No matter how much we want to protect those whom we love from the pain of growing it is not possible, or desirable, we must allow each to learn as we all do and due to that "quirk" we all go through painful experiences. All we can do is ensure that we do not keep repeating the same experiences!!

Must be all this mercury retrograde LOL

Talking of stars n things I have worked out that I have 4 planets in Libra and Leo, 2 in Sag and scorpio, doing a little research I realise that some things just aint gonna change in me :)

Making Life Yours
There is no secret recipe for happiness and contentment. The individuals who move through life joyously have not necessarily been blessed with lives of abundance, love, success, and prosperity. Such people have, however, been blessed with the ability to take the circumstances they’ve been handed and make them into something great. Our individual realities are colored by perception—delight and despair come from within rather than without. Situations we regard as fortuitous please us while situations we judge inauspicious cause us no end of grief. Yet if we can look at all we have accomplished without dwelling on our perceived misfortune and make each new circumstance our own, the world as a whole becomes a brighter place. A simple shift in attitude can help us recognize and unearth the hidden potential for personal and outer world fulfillment in every event, every relationship, every duty, and every setback.

The universe is often an unpredictable and chaotic place, and the human tendency is to focus on the negative and assume the positive will care for itself. But life can be no more or no less than what you make of it. If you are working in a job you dislike, you can concentrate on the positive aspects of the position and approach your work with gusto. What can you do with this job that can turn it around so you do love it. When faced with the prospect of undertaking a task you fear, you can view it as an opportunity to discover what you are truly capable of doing. Similarly, unexpected events, when viewed as surprises, can add flavor to your existence. By choosing to love life no matter what crosses your path, you can create an atmosphere of jubilance that is wonderfully infectious. A change in perspective is all it takes to change your world, but you must be willing to adopt an optimistic, hopeful mind-set.
To make a conscious decision to be happy is not enough. You must learn to observe life’s complexities through the eyes of a child seeing everything for the first time. You must furthermore divest yourself of preconceived notions of what is good and what is bad so that you can appreciate the rich insights concealed in each stage of your life’s journey. And you must strive to discover the dual joys of wanting what you have. As you gradually shift your perspective, your existence will be imbued with happiness and contentment that will remain with you forever.
The Daily OM

I thoroughly enjoyed my time with Anne, finding we knew people - many of whom I haven't seen or heard about in nearly 30 years,  I am hoping she will return for longer at some future date. So the amazing Green Handbook does it again!!
So I am thinking I must write a wee article about the eco-activities happening in Casarabonela to try and save this beautiful village from industry.

The memories are beginning to overtake - Del going up to the gym, feeling so pleased with himself for getting healthy and quitting booze n fags, making plans for the future - all was good. None of us know what is round the corner, make the best of it! I know I will have a strange 10 days as memories move in and out, I will cry and I will laugh, but I will not rage, to rage would not honour Del his choice his path, but I will give thanks - thanks for our time together, the love, experiences and lessons shared, his energy lives on Blessings Be xx

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Wednesday, September 9

Numerically interesting day

09:09:2009 - all those nines and an 11 also another 11 for the total, master numbers and whatever your bent there is comment for this day - potent in it's energy - up to you how you use it - we always have a choice and sometimes too much choice, as I heard someone saying on the radio yesterday too much choice creates stress, so the answer is to keep things simple.
Having just come back from a wandering with the mutts and cloud watching, remembering how clouds played quite a part in D's n my life - many years ago we used to practice cloud busting, until we decided we shouldn't really mess with nature unless for a very good reason, so clouds are for answering questions :) and occasionally cloaking an alien!! This morning the low dark rain clouds are swiftly passing from west to easy revealing pale blues and pinks, such gentle colours and reminding us that when the dark clouds pass there will be beauty. We live in interesting times and there is certainly more light - how else would the dirt be shown up and there's been plenty of that this past year and made visible for all to see and change has to occur, there is no turning back and I for one heave a sigh of relief, oh there will difficult times - folks don't like change however glibly we may spout about the only constant in life is change, we just have to "go with the flow" or make our lives no fun at all, simple choice really........funny how the simplest things in life are the hardest to achieve, we can strive to live a simple life and keep our choices simple BUT in the striving we create complications - pictures of hamsters on a wheel :)
Have a powerful day that is beneficial to the ALL, not the one [yep I can hear the voice that says "but by being good to me is being good to all coz I am part of the ALL - moral of the story - do what is right for you and hurt no other in the process]
Light Love and Power [Will to Good]
Here's something for the sisters :)

The separation was conscious and it was part of our support and service to bring your souls and spirit back into alignment – as the journey of the divine masculine was being traversed. The imbalance that resulted was not something that could be foretold – for still as it has always been the freedom and the choice in being conscious or not – in choosing something or something else has rested in the hands of each of you. The journey had to be taken in this way – and now the journey has come to an end in one cycle as another is birthed.And as you enter towards the portal of 9:9 – know that it will be a point of completion. It is a point of pause. Like the Divine Mother that I am but now as the Divine Feminine encompassing all sacred feminine archetypes – it is time during the pause of the 9:9 Divine Feminine Portal to express your Goddess Spark. It matters not whether you are man or woman in body – for this has always been part of your expression not the whole representation. It is the merging of all that is you – in the same way that we have merged all that was Divine Feminine, that we ask you to honour your Goddess Spark.

The Goddess energy is about love through play, it is about nurturing with love, it is about creation with love, it is about abandoning the confines of the mind and merging the mind and heart. The Goddess energy that we emit is light – and bonds with you like sparks of light. Each spark expanding you and supporting the creation of the new you! For it is not just those who are in light who are renewed – each of you has undergone the experience of a re-birthing. The shift in moving forward – and for those who still feel their movement has been prevented or distracted – just understand that you are still moving forward and that the purpose in delay has been the choice of your soul. It is now time to speak to your soul through your heart, with love and bring it forward to be part of this new earth.

As the Divine Feminine energy completes a phase of its cycle during the gateway of 9:9 – we ask that you do not sit in meditation for that work was done during the portal of 8:8 – but instead dance or sing. This way you can enliven your Goddess spark. The law of the universe has not changed – the more you enliven this the more it is drawn to you – and the more we can reflect it back – so the cycle can continue progressing as we move to the next phase of blissful being.

Numerically 2009 is an eleven year. Eleven is the master number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. This year has involved the greatest influx of Light that Humanity has experienced since........
No matter how oblivious a person may be of his or her Divinity, every person is a Beloved Child of God, which means that all that our Father-Mother God have is ours. We are One. We are interconnected, interdependent, and interrelated. What affects one of us affects all of us. The Universal Law is, "As I AM lifted up, ALL Life is lifted up with me."

These are exciting times and we have the wonderful opportunity to truly make a difference. The date 09-09-09 offers a gift, a portal, an activation and transmission of cosmic consciousness. We the collective have the opportunity to partner with the celestial realms to focus our awareness and intention for the highest and the best to unfold in our own lives and in the lives of others. This is a day to claim and own our power.We live in a sea of vibrations, everything and everyone is frequency. We are becoming aware of our true power to influence the quantum field with our words, emotions and intentions. This truth is especially powerful when we join together as a conscious collective with one common goal and one focused intention for global change.

Usually, Mercury goes retrograde 3 times each year, but this year we'll see another one begin in late December, making this a somewhat unusual year. When Mercury is retrograde, it seems to throw people and situations into a whirlwind of over, under, sideways and down. But does it really? Just what is Mercury retrograde? In the next few weeks we'll discover many things about how Mercury Retrograde in Libra and Virgo affects us.

Mercury retrograde is one of the most misunderstood parts of astrology. Many have heard about it, but don't know what it really is. I've given an introduction about the general meaning of the phenomenon known as Mercury Retrograde in the article, Mercury Retrograde - A New Look at the Guide of Souls. It was written to assist readers to pierce through many of the superstitions and suppositions concerning this repeating phenomenon, and how it works in our lives.

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Passing Time

Now the month of Sept and I am very aware that it is but a few weeks till I have completed my first year without D - quite a few blips and quite a few good 'uns - hey aint that just the way of life, but with a succession of visitors I haven't time to sit and get maudlin which has to be a good thing......first Maria who was such an inspiration and good energy to have here, especially after the emotional glitch I decided to go through - bizarre or what?? After Maria comes Anne - a lady who got in touch via the green handbook and I had no prior knowledge of - but we have hit it off very well and so having had to contend with much that was negative I was then given via Maria and Anne a much lighter enjoyable energy - thanks be to the universe - take the not so good and the good will come round - yin yang - night day - black white - hey ho aint it so with life LOL.......I am getting stronger - the lessons the universe sends my way ensures my place in the school of life.......

This Full Moon falls at 13 degrees Pisces and Virgo. It is said that
the middle third of any sign deals with the social levels of life, and
being the second decan of those signs, invokes a sub-influence of
Cancer and Capricorn. Since the Moon always focuses the light of the
Sun in specific forms, the degree symbols for both are important. The
Sun degree is the illumination or enlightenment of the lunation,
whereas the Moon shows us the potential forms that enlightenment will

The Solar degree Sabian Symbol is "A Strong Hand Supplanting
Political Hysteria." This is a degree where energies are transmuted
through the power of the personality to articulate racial ideals.
Rudhyar comments that it symbolizes "charisma" that focuses "the
collective need for order... into a personage who incarnates the answer
to this need."

So the Light will show as an ability to calm and inspire others,
restoring emotional or social chaos to a form of order. Perhaps this
shows a need to speak to the unconscious, personal or collective. Here
personality is the vehicle for the Higher Mind focused through "voice"
magnetism to exert control over the lower nature.

Dr. Jones says the keyword is POWER and when positive it's said to
be a degree of "consistent effectiveness in dramatizing personal
potentials." We find it is a degree of "the weight of human
personality" as it intervenes in public affairs where drifting or
confusion has set in. Stating "The greatest opportunity for
self-discovery lies in the transient crises of everyday living," this
symbol provides us all a corrective in our personal and interpersonal

The Lunar degree symbol is "A Sword in a Museum." It speaks of the
"courage and fearlessness needed in the quest for spirit and real
understanding." We are told we need faith in ourselves, while examining
any feelings of emptiness or dread.

We are reminded that our Will is our ultimate Spiritual weapon, and
used with Love, Wisdom, and Intelligence in an action focusing the
greater good we serve as examples for others to follow in their own way
and time. This symbolizes the ability to become a symbol of courage
that certifies our Spiritual worth.

Mars activates and accelerates the pace of events in our lives. People currently going through dynamic activity, a hectic fast-paced period, or having the hardest time in early September are March Aries, June Cancers, September Libras, and December Capricorns. These signs, as well as others, are also affected during the next 8 weeks.

From the second week of September through the end of the month, this applies to Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn born the first half of April, July, October, and January. The first half of October it applies to these signs born the 3rd weeks of those months. [lau that's u n me!]Beginning mid-October, this applies to Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius born the end of April, July, October, and January. If you were born in these zones, focus on what constitutes responsible action, given these birth periods show more highly agitated energy than usual.

Mars tests us to get a grip on our energy and shows us how well we are demonstrating self-control or not. Mars is our "fight or flight" principle, and symbolizes what aggravates us, so if you are affected by its transit, beware of hasty action, argumentativeness, or impulsiveness.

A way to use what I post here is that if you know your chart, examine the Mars effect in light of planets you have in the signs that are conjunct, square, or opposed to/by Mars. Because this month it moves forward from 4 to 22 Cancer, that span is specifically activated. In October, it will move from 22 Cancer to 8 Leo, activating that span during that month.

For instance, if you have Mercury in a Cardinal sign (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)[yep mercury in libra] or in the first 8 degrees of a Fixed sign (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), examine the challenges relative to your mind, interpretations, or thinking patterns, as well as other planets influenced by Mercury. If you have Venus in a Cardinal sign or the first 8 degrees of a Fixed sign, examine what is said in light of your likes and dislikes and other Venus-influenced areas in your chart.

If you have Mars in the a Cardinal sign or the first part of a Fixed sign, regard what is stated in the context of Mars-ruled affairs and activities. This shows an important shift in your Mars cycle, so heads up! You can also apply what follows regarding this month if you have an Ascendant (Rising sign) in a Cardinal sign or the beginning of a Fixed sign.......

September fulfills an old cycle for Libras born in late September through the first half of October. The first half of October, this applies to Libras born the 3rd week of October. The last half of October this applies to Scorpios born at the end of that month.

Interesting times, especially as I will be in Scotland in the first half of Oct. So forewarned as forearmed lol - gotta remember Lau n I are both the 3rd week of Aries and Libra - Sa you should have gone through your stuff hehehe as you are the beg of Jan like J - so keep alert :)

Well the weather has certainly cooled down, bliss even had some rain day before yesterday and most mornings are cloudy and cool, so back to the gym for me. Afternoons are hot and Anne has been enjoying time up at the pool, we have discovered we know a lot of folk - folk from Moffat that I haven't seen in many a long year and maybe a good contact for the crochet.........we shall see......anyway am now working on jackets again - with a new twist to them.....
Now I must take the mutts out for their early morning meander, Barbara dog is here while L & K are back in the UK, and later I am taking Anne up to the lakes for a bit of sight seeing
Brightest Blessings xx

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